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  1. R

    tilt & trim, How do I disconnect the top of motor?

    have 2 early 1980's Mercury's 90 & 115. Want to trade out the good tilt & trim for the bad one on the boat now. How do I get the top half of the motor disconnected from tilt & trim? I know the gear linkage runs down through there also. To get this out have to disconnect carbs, correct? don't...
  2. R

    ROD Bearing on # 1 conn. rod. SPENT!!!

    Finaly got her running and on first trip out she started to knock after a 2 1/2hr. run. Then she stopped solid. My fault because I was running her hard 5500 to 6000+ at times. Nothing I haven't done in the past. Was a long way from home, Got her Home and tore down My power head to find the rod...
  3. R

    Need Mercury Mech...

    Man, I have big problem, have 86 merc. 90hp inline 6... used to fire up but not run, Now I have no spark or when I do it's not good or on all. replaced rectifier, stator, triger, fuel, had running a couple of times but ending is the same, fires up but won't run. Now it's worse, all six coils...
  4. R

    Boysen reed valves or NOT ???

    Have 1986 Merc. 90hp. having carbs done and thinking about putting reed valves in, I've been told I will receive quit a benefit from doing this. More top end, quicker whole shots, better gas milage... Can anyone back this up? and there has to be a down side, is there?
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    Hondon & Maui Girl, Still on the THREAD!

    Ya! have plenty of fuel comming out of carbs, Gearcase oil looked good was going to replace this spring, won't stay running long enough to put in gear... Going to do stator test, switch box test, ignition coil test tomarrow. Do you think it could be one or more of these or am I wasting my time...
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    Hondon & Maui Girl Still out there???

    Thanks for input, Checked compression<br />1 is 122,2 is 128,3 is 128,4 is 122,5 is 122,6 is 120 deffently needed hose todo this one, won't start with chock, makes worse, already checked fusses, replaced all gas lines, blowed in tank does bubble, pumped all gas out and replaced with new high...
  7. R

    86 Mercury Starts but won't run, HELP ME!!!

    86 Mercury inline 6, was out on boat today, was running fine stopped for lunch, came back to boat tryed to start, fired up but won't run longer then 2-5 seconds, checked fuel filter, replaced spark plugs, same thing fires up but won't run, after 4hrs I finally got towed back to ramp were I...