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    Yamaha 454 7.4L Hydra Drive Parts??

    Re: Yamaha 454 7.4L Hydra Drive Parts??
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    Yamaha 454 7.4L Hydra Drive Parts??

    Sorry I am a newbie when it comes to big boats. Someone stole my prop and the gear/ shaft hooked to the prop off my 1992 Ebbtide with the 454 7.4L Yamaha and now i'm looking to buy a new one! I can't seem to find anything. Any ideas? Would consider buying an entire used hydra drive for the right...
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    Vortec 5.7 required?

    I'm looking at a 1998 Bayliner Tahoe that has a cracked 5.0L, before I buy it i'm just looking at what a replacement engine would cost. After doing some research it sounds like it has the 5.0 Vortec Engine and I would like to replace it with the 5.7 since it sounds like it will bolt right up...
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    1988 35hp Killing at WOT

    I replaced the fuel filter last year with a generic one from NAPA which appears to be larger than oem, I also replaced the diaphram in the fuel pump last year. My motor runs great untill I open it up and run for about 1 to1 1/2 minutes and then it boges down and dies. It usually starts right...
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    '88 Mercury 35HP shifting allignment HELP!!

    I replaced my impeller and cannot get my F,N,R shifter to line up and shift properly. I think my part #50 is in the wrong notch on #43.........anyone know how to properly allign #50 so Forward, Neutral and Reverse works properly???? Thanks.
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    80's somethin 35hp Mercury Outboard Questions...

    Hi, I just bought a 35hp mercury outboard that I can not find much information about on the internet. I believe its a 1988 2cycle but need help. The serial # 0B238982, it is pull start. What do I all need to make it electric start? I looks like the flywheel has no teeth so does that need to be...