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  1. M

    Mark 20 H EXPLAINED

    Last message was a screw up, only to notify I've been either working on 'em or looking at them and hating the hell out of the JohnRudes in the process as we (dad actually) owened a merc/Homelite/BostonWhaler/PacificMariner shop in Petersburg, Ak during the 60's-early 70's. So, as we ran many...
  2. M


    All right you Merc guys, here's your golden opportunity to help an old Merc fan (began in 1960) with the Mark 70A.... It's got to be worth, you know, thousands!!!???
  3. M

    Mark 20H

    Have an excellent Mark 20H for sale and, I have no idea to it's worth other than it's worth a lot to me- So, any serious inquiries?