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  1. N

    dt 140, small flash of light in top 2 carbs

    when i warm up motor in test tank baral,motor has like small explotions in the top 2 carbs ,and runs rough
  2. N

    dt 140 choke coil,silinoed valve

    i have an 85 dt 140 i got it with a free boat , when i test started it with muffs on it actually started with some fresh gas,all though it would not start in auto chock mode ,i had to put it in manual, i checked the coil by putting power to it and it works,i can hear it open the valve ,my...
  3. N

    suzuki DT140

    Dose any one now what the dial type black thing is on the front end of my shifter model NA 12 S
  4. N

    help, tilt trim stoped working?

    it worked fine the other day. i did some cleaning under the housing and around the motor wiping down. now when i push the button nothing happens no noise or movment the motor is almost in the full down postion the gadge reads down the motor is a dt 140 14002507528 shifter is na12s button is on...