Search results

  1. Horigan

    transom water leak

    I would remove the Y-pipe and check the condition of the sealing surfaces. If good, install a new seal. You may want to consider drilling into the transom from the inside near the outdrive near the bottom to confirm the wood is dry and you don't have any transom rot. Reseal the hole when...
  2. Horigan

    Need help with converting MSD toilet to just portable, carry off and dump.

    Welcome to the forum. I did this years ago and believe I was able to get the conversion parts. Maybe find the part number of the portable toilet you're looking to convert to and look up spare parts on their website.
  3. Horigan

    Co-owning a boat?

    I've been in a successful partnership for three years. Both of us are mechanically inclined and share in the maintenance, bottom painting, waxing, etc. We use a Google calendar to reserve time on the boat. For my wife and I it wasn't worth paying for the boat, slip fees, and doing maintenance...
  4. Horigan

    Exhaust riser temperatures

    In my view, if you can't hold your hand on the riser, it's too hot and there is a flow restriction.
  5. Horigan

    Lewmar 700 pro series anchor winch

    Also when considering all chain, make sure the windlass has a 3X capacity to haul the weight of all the rode and anchor.
  6. Horigan

    VP DP-SM drain screw leaking

    One thing I would caution when going with a thicker cross section is to only go slightly bigger. Otherwise you risk the O-ring smearing out of the groove and not creating a seal. That's what happened with my diesel dip stick O-ring. The middle one above was a little tough to get into the...
  7. Horigan

    Neutra-Salt: Connect to power steering cooler?

    Note that the Neutra-Salt tie-in needs to be on the upstream side (suction side) of the raw water pump. On most Volvos the power steering cooler is on the upstream side of the pump. However, on Ford EFIs, and possibly others, the cooler is downstream of the raw water pump. The OP...
  8. Horigan

    VP DP-SM drain screw leaking

    I would find one with a thicker cross section. Volvo O-ring call outs aren't always perfect. I recently lost a Volvo TAMD41P diesel engine due in part to an incorrect Volvo call out for the dip stick O-ring size. Checkout their call out, right, verses what I tried, but was too tight, middle...
  9. Horigan

    OMC vs Volvo drives

    OMC stopped around 1996, though the joint venture drives with Volvo started around 1994, which are good drives.
  10. Horigan

    Power steering actuator repair.

    I would be leary of changing the fluid from what is stated on the pump. To change it, I would drain all the old fluid by disconnecting the hoses, fill with the new fluid, bleed, drain the fluid again, then fill with the new fluid and bleed.
  11. Horigan

    DPS Lower Water Leak and Prop Shaft Play

    You need new bearings and seals at a minimum. Checkout Teds Marine Repair on Youtube. He walks you through how to repair this. Teds Marine Repair
  12. Horigan

    DP-SM prop shaft seals replacement

    Checkout Teds Marine Repair on Youtube. He has several videos on working on these drives, or ones similar. Teds Marine Repair
  13. Horigan

    How would you seal these screw holes?

    I would just use a tooth pick to fill the holes in the deck with 4200.
  14. Horigan

    Dust Cap Woes

    I think another advantage of rubber caps is that it will compensate for the thermal expansion and contraction of the air in the hub and would mitigate to some degree the vacuum that can be created when warm hubs are dunked.
  15. Horigan

    Volvo Penta 5.0 EFI Ford (1995) Hard to Start When Warm

    In my experience this happens more with older gas. Even with fresh gas it will take a few seconds of cranking to fire up when warm. This is even with recently cleaned injectors.
  16. Horigan

    Omc cobra single shift cable setup?

    It's still not clear how the new and old cables are different. If you bought an older OMC cable, that could be the issue. Try a Volvo SX-M cable or the right length.
  17. Horigan

    Reliable sure lube hubs

  18. Horigan

    Reliable sure lube hubs

    @jlh3rd The system you're referring to is the Dexter E Z Lube system, not the Reliable Sure Lube system. EZ Lube has a zerk fitting on the end of the axle with grease flowing as you describe. Sure Lube has a zerk on the cap, with the grease flowing inboard and either into the axle or out the...
  19. Horigan

    Seastar hydraulic steering fluid purge

    Also, open the bleeder more. Then it will be easier to hold the cylinder rod. Your idea of thick rubber with vise grips would work, but you shouldn't need it. In addition to using ATF, there are other less expensive brands of steering fluid that are compatible with Seastar systems to use for...
  20. Horigan

    Reliable sure lube hubs

    Sure Lube uses a specific axle with holes and passages for grease flow to outside the hub area. The hubs are regular hubs, but the grease cap is unique with the zerk in the center.