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  1. I

    Glastron soft floor

    More progress. Fumbling my way through this, but learning a lot through the process. Got as much foam out as I could and started fitting up new plywood. Some small repairs to the fuel tank, fitting a new ski locker hatch and fuel tank access hatch up next. Then on to epoxy and fiberglass. I'm...
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    Glastron soft floor

    I feel confident I could make a tank myself. Seems like a relatively simple procedure for a guy with a tig welder. I'm just not sure it'll be cheap enough to make the effort worthwhile. We shall see.
  3. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Currently deciding if I want to replace the fuel tank while I have everything apart. Old one seems to be in one piece, however it has sagged close to the sending unit and is generally looking alittle worse for wear. The specific model doesn't seem to be produced by Moeller anymore, so my...
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    Glastron soft floor

    You guys wear respirators?! Kidding. Ill grab a couple tyvek suits and goggles. Used to be a pro at safety squints, but after a piece of hot slag bounced off the anvil and hit my right eye, im now a believer.
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    Glastron soft floor

    Alldodge, could you give me a rough guess at how much foam I'll need to order for a repair this size? I'll be filling both sides of the boat that I have cut out. I'm getting some wildly varying figures through other research online. I don't want to order too little. Also, I'm figuring I can...
  6. I

    Glastron soft floor

    It seems to me that the foam provides much of the support for the floor in this boat. I see there are two different density foams available through total boat. 2 and 6lb. The latter being designed to provide structural support. I think it's smart to go with the 6lb variety in my case.
  7. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Correct. What you see is the outside of the "tub" the fuel tank sits in. Think of an aluminum baking tin. Very similar in shape. There is what seems like a small strip of 1/2" plywood ~1" wide glued to the bottom of the lip of the tub, which I assume was put there to provide backing for the...
  8. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Yes that small section of plywood is wet. I will replace. Seems like it's just a small strip glassed to the bottom of the lip of the "tub" the fuel tank sits in. There is no joist like stringer as I've seen in many how to videos. Odd way to do things. And here I was thinking glastron made a...
  9. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Made a little progress this morning. The way this boat is built is interesting. I don't see any stringers in the sense of a joist under a home floor. Seems like it's made in sections of molded fiberglass that I assume are laid into the hull and attached somehow. I don't believe I'll be able...
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    Glastron soft floor

    This is a photo of the hatch that covers the fuel tank. I plan to replace this with a cutout section of plywood, fiberglassed on both sides and expoxied to the hatch. Hopefully that is correct.
  11. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Alldodge, thank you for the information. Think I'll roll with the shotty repair of the transom. Seems to be doing what it needs to currently and this is a 5 year boat for me at best. Question: can I cut the section circled out of the bow section "cap" which will hopefully give me the ability to...
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    Glastron soft floor

    I unfortunately lack the experience, know how and space to separate the hull. First day messing with boats. Just a guy with a good understanding of most things mechanical and plenty of carpentry experience in homes.
  13. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Here's some pictures of the transom behind the motor. I have no idea if this is original, but it looks like a section has been cut out previously. This is what leads me to believe it was repaired at some point in the past. Maybe they let it leave the factory floor with saw overcuts in the...
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    Glastron soft floor

    Thank you for the information. It seems the transom was previously repaired and is solid from the looks of it. I would prefer to replace the entire floor if possible. Do it right once. Unfortunately I can't get to the bow section, as it looks like the console is all one piece and covers that...
  15. I

    Glastron soft floor

    Hello, first time poster, long time reader. Wealth of knowledge here! recently picked up a 2002 glastron gx205 bowrider. First boat! Got a great deal on it due to the floor feeling soft. I've read much on replacing rotting plywood floors in boats and feel confident that I could tackle such...