Just purchased 1974 boat made by Invader..where can I get info on this boat comp

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Jun 23, 2012
Re: Just purchased 1974 boat made by Invader..where can I get info on this boat comp

Ok so I, too, have just purchased a 1974 Invader. But my boat is 18 ft. in length and the first 3 letters of the serial number start with XVZ. Is that pretty much the same as XVA? I would like to find out as much information about fixing up the boat as possible. This is my first boat that I have ever bought and is definitely a project. Any help would be greatly appreicated.


I, too, just bought my first boat. It is a 1974 Invader with a Hull identification beginning with XVA. Were you able to find any manuals/information? I'm looking, too.



Mar 13, 2013
Re: Just purchased 1974 boat made by Invader..where can I get info on this boat comp

I, too, just bought my first boat. It is a 1974 Invader with a Hull identification beginning with XVA. Were you able to find any manuals/information? I'm looking, too.


I'm new to the forum and recognize this is an old post, but I have a '76 Invader Continental that I bought brand new. The serial number is XVA18305M76F. The only manual that came with the boat was a simple owner's manual for the (reliable 302 CID Ford) Mercruiser 888 drive. I don't think Invader published literature back then for the boats. Mine is the Giddings, TX model from Invader Marine, not to be confused with later versions such as GW Invader or others using the Invader name. I bought mine in Beaumont, TX in July of '77. It is still in mint condition and runs great. The lower unit has never been opened, nor has the engine except for machining off some rust on the exhaust manifold/riser joint.


Feb 22, 2013
1973 invader tri-hull 16"

1973 invader tri-hull 16"

Hi all, I have a question, i have a 1973 16" tri hull, does anyone know what size motor came originally on this boat? currently it has a johnson 40 h.p. on was thinking of re-powering it but I don't know what size I should be looking, for and I dont know the exact model of the boat to research it. any help would be appreciated.
Jun 4, 2023
Re: Just purchased 1974 boat made by Invader..where can I get info on this boat comp

I, too, just bought my first boat. It is a 1974 Invader with a Hull identification beginning with XVA. Were you able to find any manuals/information? I'm looking, too.

Re: Just purchased 1974 boat made by Invader..where can I get info on this boat comp

I, too, just bought my first boat. It is a 1974 Invader with a Hull identification beginning with XVA. Were you able to find any manuals/information? I'm looking, too.

Jun 4, 2023
I own a 1974 OMC Invader made in Giddings Texas and have been redoing it or basically maintaining and repairing it for decades and have i think essentially every manual and original sales Documents.
mine got a larger motor in 1984 and now has a model 260 OMC V8 runs great , currently redoing interior , hopefully back on the water soon.
this owners service manual is like 4-inches thick and appears to include every system of the boat, it’s a little tattered but has been very helpful.
not sure how that can help , but i know a fair amount these boats. I think 1st thing is to make sure it’s the same Invader company, i hear there are or were others, and i can check the hull ID later after work. Mine is 17-18 feet and sort of looks like this one snapped off an original sales brochure or owners manual.
Boats this old can be a handful, and can be even more challenging finding parts , especially if it’s your 1st boat and needs some refurbishing. it was built about 150 miles from where i live in texas


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