Brass or Nylon plugs?


Jan 24, 2010
We had water in the toon so when I tried to take the nylon plug off (its on the top and very hard to get to) it crumbled making it a task getting the remaining pieces out. My question is should I put another nylon plug in or brass? I have read different comments on this and its almost 50\50 on which is correct, we have 6 different plugs on top I dont want to go through tourching them out again if we get water in again(we fixed the pin holes). We are new to pontoon boating and would like to get all your experienced help, Thanks!

BTW its alluminum 1998 Suntracker 27ft and we are in mostly saltwater.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Brass or Nylon plugs?

There really is no "correct" plug other than one that fits. Obviously brass or plastic is preferred due to corrosion issues. Those plugs do not have to be inserted and tightened with a three foot long wrench. Seal the threads and just a little over hand tight is enough. Don't use an adhesive type sealant as that only makes removal harder. Any none hardening sealer or even plumbers tape will work just fine.


Jan 24, 2010
Re: Brass or Nylon plugs?

Hi Silvertip,
Thanks for the reply. My husband wrote the original post but figured I would respond for him ;)

He didn't mention why he was asking....the nylon plugs had almost fallen apart when he tried to remove them. First thought was to use brass to prevent that from happening again, but we've read unlike metals are not good and can cause electrolisys and corrosion on the pontoons (if that's what you call it). We've also learned the previous owners did us no favors by tying a ground right to the aluminum deck. We've already found a few pits and holes and have tried to repair them ourself with a welding gum so we are trying to do everything we can to lessen the chances of it. :(

Back to the plugs..even though the nylon ones were a pain to remove he ended up buying that kind just in case the brass would invite electrolisys issues. Although we preferred brass, we couldn't find much on whether brass/ aluminum would be safe. Glad to hear you mentioned the plumbers tape...I just asked and he said he used some :) Happy Boating to you!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Aug 13, 2007
Re: Brass or Nylon plugs?

The plastic plugs in my pontoon have very small holes in the center of them. This is to keep pressure equalized. I had one crumble when I tried to remove it. I temporarily sealed the hole with silicone until I could get a replacement. It is amazing how much pressure had built up inside the toon due to being in the sun...