gas coming out of vent when I stop


Jun 7, 2010
I have a 2002 tracker pro 17 buit in tank , vented out the side of the boat near the dash , when I stop it releases gas thru the vent , I bought a check valve but want to install it near the vent opening , but don't know how to get to the hose that runs to the vent ?


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

I have a 2002 tracker pro 17 buit in tank , vented out the side of the boat near the dash , when I stop it releases gas thru the vent , I bought a check valve but want to install it near the vent opening , but don't know how to get to the hose that runs to the vent ?

why not install it where it is easy to get to ? near the through hull case ya need to service it....


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

Which way would you install the valve?

So it doesn't burp out? Then how will it vent when you fill the tank?

So it doesn't burp in? Then how will it vent when you run the motor?

If it were me I would clean and/or replace the vent hose and/or deck fitting. Then, calibrate the gas gauge vs. the tank capacity and only fill in the required quantity. Sounds like you are just over-filling the tank.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

install it in the 'burp out ' position,... it will only be active if there is a fluid pushing it...


Mar 19, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

But then gas can still come out.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

Does this only happen when the tank is nearly full? If so, that is pretty normal. If it doesn't do it with it full, you have a vent hose routing problem. No need to band-aid the real problem.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 22, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

Do not install a check valve in a fuel vent line!!!! Ever!!!! They make special traps to prevent fluid release from overfill. You need to find out what is wrong. Does this only happen for a little while after you fuel, or does it do it all the time? If it only happens after refueling, then you are overfilling the tank. They make all sorts of noise devices and other crap to make you pay attention to the fuel level when refueling. If it happens all the time something is wrong and you have a problem to fix.

Fuel whistle:|311|302335|302334|1018488&id=848503

Edit: Regardless of the reason, you are in for some serious fines if law enforcement sees fuel come out of your vent fitting. Stop overfilling/fix problem before you dump any more gas in our water or get yourself a hefty fine.


Jun 7, 2010
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

It happens with a quarter of a tank , If you fill it with a check valve installed I would assume the gas would breath thru the gas cap . I don't know what would cause this , this was a fix ftom tracker bass pro . but it shows the check valve mounted in kine on the 45 degree rise to the vent outlet, I would assume that would be to keep any gas pressure from shutting off the check valve .


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 22, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

It happens with a quarter of a tank , If you fill it with a check valve installed I would assume the gas would breath thru the gas cap . I don't know what would cause this , this was a fix ftom tracker bass pro . but it shows the check valve mounted in kine on the 45 degree rise to the vent outlet, I would assume that would be to keep any gas pressure from shutting off the check valve .

If it happens with a quarter tank you have a problem that needs to be fixed. Whether it is the factory's fault or not is irrelevant at this point. The vent may need to be re-routed or the location of it changed. Vacuum is just as dangerous as pressure. It will not vent from the cap. The cap on our family pontoon boat vents, but that is because it is a combination fill/vent assembly. Installing a check valve so that fuel may not pass through the vent will cause the tank to positive pressurize, leak, and possibly rupture. Installing it the other way will cause it to collapse, possibly rupture, and possibly leak once the vacuum is released. Both scenarios are bad situations and possibly very dangerous. Gasoline is serious stuff, especially on a boat. We become complacent around it because we are exposed to it so regularly. Fix this problem right before it fixes you.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 1, 2003
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

dont get all jiggy.
there is a liquid check valve made to aid in preventing liquid from being discharged from the vent.
wont be long most lakes will require closed systems anyway.
my seapro also has the tank fill thats vented into the fill. its the only thing I will use anymore.
its not uncommon to vent fuel when filling,see it a lot.
there is a stick on bucket that can catch and hold about a quart of fuel. uses a suction cup to stick on and you remove it after filling.
its also why any hull manufatured after jan 01 2010 must have a closed fuel vent system like cars have had for 30 years or so.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 22, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

dont get all jiggy.
there is a liquid check valve made to aid in preventing liquid from being discharged from the vent.
wont be long most lakes will require closed systems anyway.
my seapro also has the tank fill thats vented into the fill. its the only thing I will use anymore.
its not uncommon to vent fuel when filling,see it a lot.
there is a stick on bucket that can catch and hold about a quart of fuel. uses a suction cup to stick on and you remove it after filling.
its also why any hull manufatured after jan 01 2010 must have a closed fuel vent system like cars have had for 30 years or so.

The check valve you speak of is designed to prevent fluid discharge from over filling the tank, not repair poor fuel vent routing. The OP has an actual problem that needs to be fixed.

Uncommon or not, spilling gas while fueling is 100% preventable, should not be tolerated, and there is darn good reason the fine is so expensive.

The reason for the closed system (evaporative emission controls) is to trap fuel vapor from escaping to the atmosphere EDIT
Last edited by a moderator:


Jun 7, 2010
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

This is why I wrote in on this site ,because I want it fixed I really don't need to be called lazy ,threatoned with fines , and so on . My intention is to fix it , if you can't help in how to repair ,1 post will be enough to express your concerns .

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

At first it sounded like you didn't have a high-enough swan neck on the vent tube. But if it' doing it at a quater of the tank, it maybe something else, perhaps the way the vent is attached to the tank.

Simplest modification is to bypass the through hull vent completely, and install a vented cap.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 22, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

At first it sounded like you didn't have a high-enough swan neck on the vent tube. But if it' doing it at a quater of the tank, it maybe something else, perhaps the way the vent is attached to the tank.

Simplest modification is to bypass the through hull vent completely, and install a vented cap.

The vented caps still use the vent line. They just combine the fill and vent into one housing. Unfortunately this won't fix the problem.

Home Cookin'

Fleet Admiral
May 26, 2009
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

It might if the top of the vent needs to be raised; his is "vented out the side" and in a low freeboard boat that can be close to the top of the tank. I've been there.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 31, 2011
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

I agree with the OP. I joined this forum because I am new to boating and thought I could meet some very knowledgeable and friendly people, but a lot of my posts end up with someone continually telling me I am just wrong and not offering advice. I am so sorry sometimes that I even ask for help, due to the responses I get. I am POSITIVE he does not want to pollute any water with his fuel, actually I am having the same problem right now and was directed here for some answers, all I 've learned is not to mention that I may have put some fuel in the water, I too do not want this to happen.....I want some help to stop this. If you cant or wont help please don't respond.... Its no help to us with a problem. I do not mean to offend, just point out that criticizing is no help.


Oct 23, 2008
Re: gas coming out of vent when I stop

Thread is over 2 years old.