1993 Yamaha three cylinder won’t start

May 21, 2019
I have a 1993 Yamaha three cylinder 85 horse power engine the engine is having some ignition problems .

1) I had no spark at all
2) I remove the white Killswitch and the spark returned
3) Try to fire the engine nothing
4) Checked stator red to blue 120 Specs says 10 to 20
5) Checked stator brown to blue 900 Specs says no more than 400.
6) All others were within range
7) Engine still won’t start even with starting fluid
8) Removed rev limiter wire
9) No start


Supreme Mariner
Dec 20, 2005
If you are talking about Ohms, you have your problem. The magnet (on the flywheel) induced voltage (across the Stator windings) only had so much energy in the trigger pulse. Using Ohms Law, Current = Voltage/Resistance. You have so much Resistance that there is little to no voltage left when the trigger gets to the trigger circuits to trigger your CDI circuit. Time for a new Stator.

On the kill wire, either it is chafing somewhere and shorted out to metal (that can get the current back to battery (-), or your ignition switch has an internal short. Internal shorts in switches are caused by old age in that the metallic particles of the contacts develop a metallic trail from contact to contact....when this trail becomes a solid conduction path you have a short and in your case shorts out (what triggers you have) to ground (battery -).

That's my take on it.

robert graham

Apr 16, 2009
Have you checked your choke/Primestart/enrichening device?.....takes a rich mixture for cold starts..