Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

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May 26, 2012
Hello All.

I did read the "Adults Only" instructions. No need to put an engine number etc. because engine has been replaced with a different one and, this isn't an engine problem. I have the "Electro-mechanical Sterndrive Tilting Device" (hereafter "ESTD) mostly out of my hull. The Vice Rod (VR) assembly (part #875351)is broken, and remains in the lower unit of the ESTD. My questions are:

1) Can I remove the broken VR and replace the new VR without removing the lower unit of the ESTD?
I have raised the outdrive to its highest point, and while the VR moves smoothly up and down, I do not seem to have enough room to push the VR out through the lower unit. It hits the outdrive before it is completely free of the lower unit even though about an inch of the VR is broken off its top.

2) If I choose to NOT repair the ESTD and simply 'button it up' and operate in the 'manual' mode, is there anything in the context of watertight integrity that I should be aware of? That is of course assuming that I leave the existing broken VR in place.

3) Are there any aftermarket hydraulically operated tilt units that are suitable replacements for the electro-mechanical one?



Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

1. I would remove the entire lift mechanism by removing the two bolts at the base of the assembly, and make the necessary repairs. However, not with the boat in the water as you are opening a hole in the hull by doing so.

3. no.

Welcome, btw. :)


May 26, 2012
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions


Do I understand correctly then, that when the lower unit is removed from the hull mounting, the entire assembly associated with the Vice Rod comes up through the hull?

The issues are these:
1) I cannot access the external end of the Vice Rod with the outdrive in place. Therefore, if the entire assembly doesn't come up into the engine compartment when the lower unit is detached from the hull, I cannot remove the Vice Rod from within the engine compartment because I cannot get the 'anvil' off the end of the Vice Rod from outside the boat.

2) I really don't want to have to remove the outdrive just to replace this device. In fact, I won't remove the outdrive, I'll just raise the outdrive manually when I need to trailer the boat, and fix this problem later when I have the boat out of the water for the winter.



May 26, 2012
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

Salt water boat?

Thanks! I've found some Vice Rods. They range in price from $320-ish to $420-ish before shipping to Alaska. Sure wish there was an aftermarket hydraulic replacement. I really don't care for the fragility of this relatively little-used part.

Thanks again.


Jun 30, 2008
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

make sure to get the part the treads onto the vice rod. They come as a set. I've never heard of a broken rod, bent, yes. Using the rod for towing, and reversing with the tilt up will cause this problem. Used for its intended purpose, it should last forever.

Let us know how it goes, or if you need further help, just ask.;)


May 26, 2012
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions


As far as I can tell, the Vice Rod comes as an "assembly" including the nut that screws onto it. In this instance, it is both the rod and that 'nut' that are broken. That nut is made of "pot metal" and breaks if you look at it cross-eyed, at least the one I took off was/did.

From what I have read on the web from those that are seeking parts and repair for this device, a 'broken' Electro-mechanical Sterndrive Tilting Device is not uncommon. In fact, I found one person that asserts that the Volvo Penta Aquamatic 270, 280, and 290s are "the worst outdrives in the world"; the ESTD 'weakness' being one of the main sources of his derision. I don't share that opinion but I do consider the ESTD a 'weak link'. I think the proof of that lies in the fact that Volvo Penta went to a hydraulic system in the more recent models. Also, considering that there were already two hydraulic motors in the engine compartment at the time this boat was built - the trim tab motors - it baffles me that they chose this device considering the ease with which it is damaged/broken. The warnings about breaking this device are among the most adamant warnings given in the Owner's Manual. Again, if they knew it was a device prone to breakage, why did they use it instead of a hydraulic device when they already had two hydraulic motors in onboard?

Thanks again for the help. I will certainly be back by if I need more assistance, which is likely. :redface:



Petty Officer 1st Class
Jan 28, 2009
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

The trim devices suck. Other than that, they are a very robust drive IMHO. I had a bad trim, and instead of buying up old ebay crap, I converted to hydraulic. On my boat this was a posibility due to the room I had back there (1979 2850 Bayliner Bounty). I built a heavy custom aluminum bracket, and tied a hydraulic cylinder into the existing vicerod and trim housing, so the cylinder activates the existing rod through the existing housing. Add a hydraulic pump and there you go. It works better than the original and all the wear parts are off the shelf components.

I'd prefer an external solution, but the AQ series is missing the heavy attachment points which swivel with the drive like the mercruiser gimbal ring assembly has. Still, there must be a way!!!!



May 26, 2012
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

Thanks foe the idea, Chay. I think that's something I'll devote some time to this winter. It's fishin' time now.



Jul 8, 2019
Re: Volvo Penta 1984 AQ280 Power Tilt Questions

The trim devices suck. Other than that, they are a very robust drive IMHO. I had a bad trim, and instead of buying up old ebay crap, I converted to hydraulic. On my boat this was a posibility due to the room I had back there (1979 2850 Bayliner Bounty). I built a heavy custom aluminum bracket, and tied a hydraulic cylinder into the existing vicerod and trim housing, so the cylinder activates the existing rod through the existing housing. Add a hydraulic pump and there you go. It works better than the original and all the wear parts are off the shelf components.

I'd prefer an external solution, but the AQ series is missing the heavy attachment points which swivel with the drive like the mercruiser gimbal ring assembly has. Still, there must be a way!!!!


Any chance you can upload some pictures of your conversion so I can get some better ideas on how to make it myself
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