can of worms?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
well.. let's hope not. At least, I hope not cos I'm doing the work and footing the billllllllllllllllllllll...... lol and damn the torpedoes because I've already ordered some materials. It isn't like there aren't enough projects I'm currently working on; so "why" another major one? I only need justify it to myself - already have. What am I talking about, my transom of course :facepalm:
It isn't that old, but found some water when installing a livewell fill pump last summer. Found the culprit too. a crack in the transom cover. Have the time now and want to catch it before it causes real trouble.
This boat, will post more as it goes.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Just because I have a Milwaukee circular saw doesn't make me a carpenter!! And just because I follow and try to adhere to the teachings of a Carpenter doesn't make me one either. Having fiberglass resin and cloth doesn't mean much, other than I'll be being more!!!
Am already having second thoughts, but it's too late now. I'll be eating Ramen noodles the next few...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
this is going to be a short day; four hours sleep last night. Must be thinking I'm going :fish2: usually the only time I can't sleep.
Over 25yrs ago, made a new friend that's now an ole friend and a real good one. Back then, he came up with a new term to describe me - so he says lol.
He says that I'm "enthusiastically apathetic".
He says that's me saying "Hey!! I don't give a ____!!!!!!!!!!!!!" :D


Fleet Admiral
Oct 16, 2012
Welcome aboard and put up some more pics and lots of questions. Looking forward to your build.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Having fiberglass resin and cloth doesn't mean much, other than I'll be being more!!!
quoting self indicates lost mind!! too late to edit, meant "needing more" and need to proofread more!


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
wishing won't getRdone, but I sure wish I coulda gotten further along. Oh well, priority or not, life stuff comes first...
That poc carpet is coming off too - will replace with paint sprinkled with sand. Tired of hook hangin raggedy blank blank carpet!!
She needs some wax as well.

had repaired both corners top of transom last summer when I installed livewell pump; probably repaint entire boat after transom? Who knows, more than enough to do for now[/URL]


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Looks like ya got your work cut out for ya ... Might be a difficult decapitation .. Looks like all the inside components are glassed in with the top cap ... I'm with ya on getting rid of the carpet ...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Looks like ya got your work cut out for ya ... Might be a difficult decapitation .. Looks like all the inside components are glassed in with the top cap ... I'm with ya on getting rid of the carpet ...
"cut out" is exactly what most of the job entails. Your x-ray vision is not quite 20/20 though. From the seats forward, most of the top deck is glassed to the floor; especially my livewell in the center. Deck came off of a longer/wider Bass boat and resized it for this hull. Haven't yet decided where I'm going to cut it - rear compartment is big enough for me, but not to use power tools safely; i.e., chainsaw, skill saw,

Dark blue on edges of splashwell are where cuts were made to resize decking originally. Most likely cut again in front of the splashwell; that should give me enough room. I used stainless screws/bolts and nuts for rub railing - remove those and up she goes.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
wasn't able to do much this afternoon before the rain set in; at least nothing worth posting a picture of. Pulled pump(s) wires back and transducer chord - what a pain that was!! Took the power t/t unit off and the pump/motor from inside too. Had to cut the nuts off and that 5200 made me think I didn't need bolts!! lol

but this is the deck before I resized it to fit this hull. And it is glassed to the floor; and in places almost impossible to reach

Some of you might remember the thread; glad it's gone mostly because if I suck at anything, online is most obvious :pound:
on a personal note: Some the reason I'm doing this now is due my health. I had another echocardiogram 12/8 and my ejection fraction has only risen to 25%. Can't go back to work until it's at least 55%.

I fatigue if I go at anything too hard. Let me define "too hard" - a few months ago, I carried 70 pounds on my shoulder for 50 or so yards, made the trip twice in a scrapyard with a total of 138 pounds. Drove home and was done for the day.
Yesterday and today, I've been helping a friend - he's an exterminator. Sunday, walked two hotels opening doors for him, climbed stairs (3 and 4 stories), took four hours.
Today, did an apartment complex, walked continuously for three hours, stairs and knocking doors. Chauffeured his butt an hour each direction on interstate, then worked some on my transom. New meds seem to be helping, but not another echo until June
And some just creating busy work, maybe; but this the soup I started with six years ago, The transom tap tested OK and I didn't replace it then (mostly financial because there was no work and sat for three years). I did reinforce it with 1/2" marine plywood glassed in just incase. It still sounds solid, and the water/moisture I found may have already been there? matters not now....

PS:that's my '65 Sears 12 footer in the side garage - main garage is where I'm working on the "new" motor for this.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Santa drives a FedEx truck. I got the holiday special - comes with a case of Ramen Noodles with every ten gallons!! lol


maybe I'll repaint the anchor I never use while she's down. And that was the only dry spot in the garage. Heavy rain and stiff wind the past two days cause for "delay of game" penalty! Can't make this mess inside; plus I haven't even opened the cardboard and can smell it. Respirator or not, this stuff will prolly burn my eyes w/o adequate ventilation

Outdoors, respirator, fan, foam back safety glasses, or Scuba gear lol[/URL]


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Congrats ! that's the last transom that boat will ever need .. Make sure you do your prep work really well .. With the cost of that you don't want to take any chances on prep ... Clean , Clean, clean and then clean again .. Final with really good acetone bath before the pour .. Stinks a bit but not too bad ..

btw, Don't eat the noodles !! :eek:
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Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
btw, Don't eat the noodles !! :eek:
:lol: that's probably the real can O worms!! Am fairly certain that I've never had 'em, just heard a few say they're on that budget. A lethal recipe - man with a boat, a credit card, and internet access!! hahahahaha

I only have a deadbeat card (debit or dribbet!!) and that's bad enough, maybe worse lol If I use cardboard, it might be the last one I ever do - and not because it won't hold up


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
Just noticed my camera shy cat hiding in front of the tire. That's almost exactly where I found him six years ago while building this boat. Before modifying the trailer, but still in front of port side tire


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
contacted Seacast and said not to use epoxy primer on or near Seacast. Was too late in the day to continue email discussion and they will be closed until the fourth..... of July!! nah, January. And it's probably moot to question this here? However, this was my boat before paint. Never mind my logic at the time; I did the math and one 2gal kit wasn't quite enough.

Ended up with 5 coats below waterline, 3 up to the gunwale extensions, and 2 on those - making for one solid and heavy hull. Transom included, am wondering if I need sand (or chainsaw!! lol) epoxy off outer skin of transom. Being that it has six years of curing. I don't have to resolve that today; weather and Christmas not permitting....

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Yep no epoxy with the seacast ... You are putting it in the transom and not spreading it on the hull right ? :lol:
As long as the inside of the transom skin is poly you will be just fine ... How are you prepping the transom for the pour ?
,, Merry Christmas !


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
thanks!! Am having to wait on the weather to clear out, been busy on the motor and Christmas visits. Hoping to get started on the dig tomorrow. Lots to do before I can even think about prepping. Haven't had time to study the destructions yet lol.Probably rent a Ditch-Witch to remove the wood!! :lol:

And I have to "make" a thing or two... a wide funnel and a mixing blade for sure. Need to pick up two stainless U-bolts for transom tie-down also. Might as well get some more fg matt. I made a list but it disappeared! along with my memory....

Whenever I worked a nuclear power plant, we always spent a couple hours discussing every single move before we went in to do the work for safety and to minimize exposure time. Before I start, you can bet I've practically choreographed the whole thing.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
maybe i should be prayin' to the god of AccuWeather!! lol cos this ain't happening yet...:rain::rain::rain::rain::rain::rain:......:rain:
these idiots are saying "mostly cloudy" for NYE, and then "clouds developing" for New Year's Day. lol makes no sense :confused:


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
yeah, I'm still working on it...just other things going on. Cut the deck in front of the splashwell so I could have some room. I forget who said it but it applies; "I am neither proud of what I have done nor what I am doing now". Doesn't mean I won't make my best effort, however, that's all it will be - something to do...


That piece of 1/2" I had leftover from the floor. Looks like I didn't laminate it to the transom as had thought - been awhile and did so much, hard to remember - and was not looking forward to taking back out. Equals a few less worms! lol But it was/is glassed with three or four layers. Don't know if you can make out the sides where it was tabbed. I had some leftover fg and built up the bottom corners quite a bit.

Not going back with the wood; it was also there because of the 252 pound 100 horse that was on there. Next will be a 115 that's maybe 265? doesn't matter[/URL]


Supreme Mariner
Nov 16, 2011
Yep you'll need to make a new inside skin with a few layers of 1708 or csm and woven .. Did you get any of those spacers from seacast ? If not you can make your own pretty easy ..
Whats with the turned out lip on the transom ... Or is that still old wood that needs removing ?
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Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 8, 2010
the skin's still there, just dirty/dusty from my cutting wheel. Haven't cut the cap completely off yet, still has a thin layer of glass. I had 2x4's glassed on port starboard sides of transom for deck - standard 20" transom. When I built this "thing", I extended the gunwales from 0" bow to 4" at the transom with 1/2x6", triple wrapped stranded matt and stainless 1/8 bolts

Yes, I think what you're referring to is on the gunwale? It's rotted and that's where my leak was. I should? lol have enough Seacast to get both sides a foot or so. No spacers and will probably use that wood for clamping. What do I need to make spacers?