1996 Jonhson 130


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2001
I just purchased my first Johnson outboard. I feel that I got a very good deal on the package. The engine seems to run very strong and I think is relatively quiet for an outboard. The only thing is that it seems to be cold blooded in regards to starting. I don't think that the electric choke is working as I don't hear anything when I press the choke button. Any help on how the choke works. (I don't even see where the choke(s) are on the carb throats). Any thing else that I should concern myself with?

Big Rod

Seaman Apprentice
May 1, 2001
Re: 1996 Jonhson 130

Mike,hi, Your '96 130 is equipped with a raw fuel injected type choke (no flaps in front of the carb. throats). Its hard to see the fuel being injected during the choke cycle unless you pull the tiny hose on top of the carb.and actually see the fuel come out when hose is removed.Then there's the tiny brass nozzle that the hose is connected to that needs to be open. I beleive you're on the right track to achieve quick starts. P.S. key position "on", choke position "in" and about 4 or 5 seconds and start. Probably went into too much detail but, I hope some of this helped...


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2001
Re: 1996 Jonhson 130

Thanks for the education Rod. I actually thought that I had some parts missing. Your detail is much appreciated. The dealer who sold me the boat obviously didn't know how to run it either. I watched him push the choke in with the key off, then crank and crank and finally start. I'll give it a try on Saturday. Thanks again.


Seaman Apprentice
Jun 4, 2001
Re: 1996 Jonhson 130

I don't know if I'm posting this correctly for you to see it Rod but here goes. Your advice on "choking/starting" this engine was perfect! It started almost immediately. It was the only thing that almost kept me from getting a good deal on this boat because the guy had trouble with starting it for the demo. He was selling it for the owner. But he WAS doing it wrong. Now that you've shown me how to do this right I'm a happy camper! Thanks and see ya around the forum.<br /><br />Mike