Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
It's been a hell of a busy week doing this. On Saturday I collected the new centre console for the RIB.<br />On Sunday I went to our local chandlers and spent a small fortune on various odds and bits then went down to the RIB's storage.<br />This is what she looked like Sunday.The tarp had leaked and she had a load of scummy water and a lot of years worth of rubbish from the previous owner floating in her.The brown marks on the transom are thick lumps of ancient grease.<br />
<br />
<br /><br />I towed her home and got a full carton of washing powder and the hosepipe out. I gunked the transom then mixed the powder to a paste and scrubbed like mad for nearly 3 hours using the hose to flush it. I was quite pleasantly surprised by the results.<br /><br />
<br /><br />I spent the next day fitting the steering to the console then cutting out and fitting hatches and access panels. It's harder than it looks-I had to spend the equivalent of $50 on a good quality holesaw just to fit the helm. I looked at the bow dodger and decided the rust stains on it were too much so I took a craft knife and removed it. It opened up a load more space and she looks loads better too-I'm glad I did it.<br /><br />On Tuesday I fitted the console. WHAT A HORRIBLE JOB!!! I had black sikaflex all over me, the console, my clothes and I ran out 3/4 of the way through. Fitting it took nearly a full day-but it's in and solid now. <br />
<br /><br />Wednesday-Checkerplated the transom then the engine went on. Another horrible job. Someone had replaced the lower trim/tilt ram bolts with mild steel so they had to come out-then I realised that the guy I bought the engine from had cut all the wiring for the type 1 trim/tilt and had sheared a bolt off in the trip pump mount. The hoses look horrible-gonna try and replace with braided stainless ASAP-but for now until I can set it all up how I want it the trim/tilt has been removed.The battery cables on the motor had been replaced with household solidcore...<br />Made a seat base out of stainless steel sheet with a piano hinge at one end for under-seat access. I can fit both 25 litre tanks under there so I need to access it easily.<br /><br />
<br /><br />Thursday. Made new battery leads from 200amp welding cable. Soldered/crimped new contacts on with a blowtorch. Fitted controls,lanyard cut-out,wired in navigation lights and fitted battery box with cut-out switch. The VHF arrived in the post,as did the GPS/fishfinder combo and the compass. My utterly wonderful girlfriend finished covering the seat base.Realised the reason the engine sounded 'flat' was because the fuel I had left from my last boat was nearly 3 months old and was going stale...I Ran her up-and nearly had a fit. The outboard wouldn't go into forward.<br />I threw a tantrum and was about to buy a new engine on the never-never when I realised that a grey washer had fallen into the gear selector slider during transit and jammed it. 5 minutes later it was out and all seems to be well-just got a minor water leak to sort out round one spark plug , fit electronics and bolt the seat on and she's ready.This was taken just before she went back into storage for the night.It was raining and the tubes had been partially deflated because of the heat.<br />
<br /><br />Hope to have her on the water Saturday... :)

all thumbs

Chief Petty Officer
Jan 22, 2005
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Job well done, thanks for the pictures and bring the camera saturday, like to see it on the water :)


Rear Admiral
Aug 20, 2001
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

That is pretty damn cool. So I can assume you sit on the center portion and it will be like a crazy ******* jet ski from hell? It looks like it will be fun....


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Originally posted by JasonJ:<br /> So I can assume you sit on the center portion and it will be like a crazy ******* jet ski from hell? It looks like it will be fun....
Yeah-One of the next things to go on is a passenger backrest to stop them falling off the back of the seat.<br /><br />Bro from iboats has had one of these out in a force 8.They are apparently pretty much indestructible as long as you keep them upright and the tubes stay inflated.<br /><br />Not sure I can take the camera with me on Saturday-depends on the weather as it's not waterproof and it'll get stolen if I leave it in the car.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Originally posted by Nos4r2:<br />... and it'll get stolen if I leave it in the car.
Not in Jolly ol' England Maitey? I thought the Colonies were the only place that had that problem! :p <br /><br />Great job Nos. Looks like you'll have tons of fun out bouncing around the bounding main. :D <br /><br />What happens if you take er down to the tyre station and fill er up with nitrogen? Would that be more stable in the temperature variations?<br /><br />Is the console just glued in place?


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

HEY!!!<br /><br />We weren't all convicts! Some of us were free settlers too.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

They don't fill with nitrogen over here or I'd try it.<br /><br />The console is held down with 10 big stainless self-tappers each side and bedded down onto a big thick load of sikaflex for extra strength and to make sure no water gets into the core of the hull. <br /><br />She's STILL not ready-but all that's left to do now is fit the VHF and gps/fishfinder. All the holes and so on are drilled, just gotta thread the wires and off we go.... I was held up a bit today looking for ONE SCREW... no-one sells UNC over here unless you buy it genuine-that and I had to get the whole hub assemblies replaced on the trailer which took longer than I thought. :)


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Finished at last-unfortunately too late to go out today so I'm going to be in Poole harbour 1st thing in the morning... Can't wait!<br /><br />


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Dude, you're kinda cute!


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2005
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

that thing is cool, let us know how she handles. Good luck on your trip out in the poole


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 26, 2005
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Way cool, Nos. :cool: Reckon you could fill that bad boy with helium?


Staff member
May 29, 2003
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Nice - and the RIB ain't bad either! Nice work there, Nos


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Just got home...MAN what a RUSH that thing is...<br /><br />The flooding hull system is a bit odd-its very hard to keep below the speed limits in the harbour because at 6 knots the flooding chamber slowly empties and she starts to plane-then gets to 15 knots-with no change in throttle. The holeshot's a bit slow because of it too-I think I'll have to block the flooding chamber off. <br />Once on the plane it's insane. We were getting airborne constantly, and it's pretty good on fuel. We were running for at least 5 hours and only burned about 6 gallons. Most of that wasn't at WOT though as the sea was 3' or so and it was getting a bit hairy once we passed 20 knots.<br />Got some pics too but with a waterproof disposable camera. I'll post some when they come back from developing.<br /><br />Only teething problem is that the engine kill stopped working-just a bad contact somewhere but something that'll have to be sorted out ASAP.<br /><br />Oh yeah.... guess who forgot the plug... We had to use a piece of neoprene from a car window scraper instead... :eek:


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 16, 2005
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

very cool!! can't wait to see the pictures... :D :D


Lieutenant Commander
May 27, 2002
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

That's great! Get those pictures up here soon, OK? And be careful, sounds like things happen quick on a little rocket like that.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Well the new stainless ram bolts have arrived.....but without the washers I needed to tig weld together to make the spacers. <br /><br />Looks like another week's wait before I can sort the PTT out :mad: but will be out on her for the weekend anyway... :)


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 18, 2003
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

You've done a cracking job on her Nos and she's looking great.....and the boat ain't half bad either :D :D <br /><br />Yes, I have been out twice in one of these in Force Eight gale conditions and no, I wouldn't recommend it, although it does get you home if you keep the speed down :eek: <br />The worst of the two gales was at night trying to run away from the weather and find shelter: just off Ardrossan, Firth of Clyde, Scotland is a lump of rock about third of a mile long called Horse Island: totally unlit at night: very scary when, due to the 20 ft swell, you only had limited times to take your bearings.<br /><br />Did I mention that a diaper should be standard dress code when out in those conditions :D :D


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Apr 11, 2005
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

Nos, glad you like your rib. We call ribs "rubber ducks" (full inflatables or semi-rigids) and its a huge pastime/sport over here. We are world leaders in this field and one can buy a duck for any possible purpose. And you wont believe the size of the motors we slap on the back. All this just to ask...YOU WANT A RUSH? Come visit and we will show you how its done!<br />Good luck and enjoy!


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 12, 2004
Re: Finished my RIB!!!..Picture Diary

hehehe yeah I guessed you guys like them Damdan-I came across a fully inflatable zapcat at the weekend that rode on inflatable 'under-riggers' from SA....looked MAD!