Delaware Bay Thresher Shark?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Oct 26, 2012
We went out into the Delaware bay (NJ Side) and went about 3/4 of a mile out. On the way to 60 foot slough, but we were only running one engine and it died twice. We just threw some chum mullet and bunker out in 23 ft of water. We were anchored. We didn't expect anything since we didn't make the 60 foot slough. I was sleeping and I heard the rod go. They were on the rod already. We thought it got off but it was just swimming to us. It was under the boat. and we went to take out the rod and it just pulled directly down so we couldn't get it. It was pulling pretty hard. He took a run slowly and BOING the rod popped up. He bit straight through steel cable leader. Only about 1/16 in thick but it was a shark rig. I think it was a thresher. A sand bar? Don't think so since it didn't fight and they seem athletic. A sand tiger? Don't think he could cut the leader since they have round needle like teeth I think. Obviously not a mako, but only other is maybe a hammerhead. Someone caught one last year. He pulled line out of a probably 9/0 penn senator with the drag tightened about 8/10 of the way.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Delaware Bay Thresher Shark?

I caught a Thresher about 15years ago on the De. side.
Was flounder fishing and he took a minnow and squid.