14' wood drift boat


Jul 15, 2012
Hi everybody, I just bought my first boat and it is a 14' wood drift boat that when I bought from my boss, I put it in the water and everything was fine didnt sink on me or anything. I took it out two more times after I bought it and the first time I noticed there was a little bit of water in the bottom but it was raining off and on that day so I didnt pay that much attention to it that day. Then the second time I took it out it was alot nicer out, I noticed that there was a little leak on both sides of the boat, and its like a slow trickle of water, I pushed the area a little bit and noticed it was a little soft. I just want to know if there is something I can put over the area that will stop the leak for now, some kind of marine paint or just taking a little bit of roll on rhino lining and putting it over the areas. Much appreciation for any help.


Chief Petty Officer
May 15, 2011
Re: 14' wood drift boat

in order to really be able to help, we need some pictures of the boat, please????

hmmmmmmm, do you and the boss get along well? just kidding :D