Steering Problems


Seaman Apprentice
May 3, 2012
Hi, I was out yesterday and everything was great UNTIL... My steering went. I was able to steer right (pushing the engine via cable i believe) but could not bring the engine back (pulling via cable if i am correct) left. I was able to steer the wheel all the way one way (i don't recall which way) but once I did this I was able to steer from the engine to get back to port. I took apart the bolts at the rod by the engine and something went horribly wrong. I heard what almost felt and sounded like putting the engine into gear (somewhat of a ping noise) and now it feels like I have two metal rods that are butting up against each other internally. It started out like one was inside of the other but wont go back in. I know nothing about this so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!