Have boat will travel to maine need location reccomendations???


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Jul 8, 2011
Hello All,

I just bought a 19 foot stingray and i would love suggestions for places to take the boat. I am heading to Maine for two weeks in August and would love to find a river or bay area that allows me to play on the water and drive up to restaurants/pubs.

I will be in the Augusta area but I am not afraid to travel up to an two hours.

Thanks for your help!!!!


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 11, 2009
Re: Have boat will travel to maine need location reccomendations???

No restaurants/pubs but China Lake and Lake St. George are both less than 30 minutes from Augusta and are nice lakes. China is bigger and good for tubing and skiing, St. George is smaller and has better fishing but you can ski and tube in it. St. George also has a few rocks that can take out you prop but they are all marked. Another option is to drop in the Kennebeck in Gardiner and run the down the river and into Boothbay Harbor. You will find your restaurants and pubs you can pull up to in Boothbay. Another option is Sebago. It fits all you requirements however the restaurants and pubs are limited to Kettle Cove where you can dock and walk to them.