Rounded Transom and Twins


Apr 22, 2010
I?m beginning a rebuild of a 1961 Glasspar Avalon. My first question is, will the curved transom be suitable for twin engines? I?ve always heard people say that curved transoms needed to be ?shimmed? before twin engines could be installed. So, what would the recommendation be on redoing the transom? Leave it curved? Rebuild with the curve then shim it flat? Or, make it flat during the rebuild? It seems like you could cut the outer skin about 2/3rds to ? ths of the way down to the bottom of the hull and have the plywood rebuild create a flat transom for your motor mount. Any ideas or suggestions will greatly be appreciated. Thanks.


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Rounded Transom and Twins

I?m beginning a rebuild of a 1961 Glasspar Avalon. My first question is, will the curved transom be suitable for twin engines? I?ve always heard people say that curved transoms needed to be ?shimmed? before twin engines could be installed. So, what would the recommendation be on redoing the transom? Leave it curved? Rebuild with the curve then shim it flat? Or, make it flat during the rebuild? It seems like you could cut the outer skin about 2/3rds to ? ths of the way down to the bottom of the hull and have the plywood rebuild create a flat transom for your motor mount. Any ideas or suggestions will greatly be appreciated. Thanks.

Ayuh,... What did it have for power before,..??

Not all hulls are conducive to twins...


Apr 22, 2010
Re: Rounded Transom and Twins

Ayuh,... What did it have for power before,..??

Not all hulls are conducive to twins...

Single 50 two stroke.

In what way do you mean that "Not all hulls are conducive to twins"?

My only reason for wanting a twin engine setup is the added power I'll have should one fail out at sea. The weight of twins verses a single engine plus kicker isn't really a issue.