Flushing Yamaha's ???


Seaman Apprentice
Mar 9, 2011
This is my first Yamaha, I have had it a couple years. I have problems flushing it in the yard with the standard round muffed flusher. I recently burnt the water pump up and was looking for a solution. The lower unit is really wide and I have to constantly re adjust the flusher to keep it peeing. It is a 96 225. Even with a new pump it also doesnt' pee very hard compared to other motors I have had in the past. I was told that this was normal. It has a temp buzzer which seems to work fine. It always goes off after I have been flushing it about 10 to 15 min. But never have any problems in the river.


Triton II

Nov 23, 2004
Re: Flushing Yamaha's ???

Because I always use the boat in salt water I have a pretty thorough flushing routine for my F115.

I put the muffs (I use the larger rectangular shaped ones) on then lower the leg into a large plastic bin, the sides of the bin are about 6 inches taller than the impeller intakes. I then connect the hose, turn on the water fully and start the motor. Once the bin is full I turn the motor off and disconnect the hose and take off the muffs. I then attach the hose to the flusher connection on the left hand cowl and turn the hose back on and restart the motor.

The impeller now draws water through its normal intakes and the hose connection thoroughly flushes the head. I usually flush for about five minutes. Pee stream is pretty strong throughout the process. Hope this helps,



Petty Officer 1st Class
Dec 13, 2004
Re: Flushing Yamaha's ???

just my 2 cents... make sure the garden hose is not kinked.....and open the water faucet all the way. i don't know if you have the garden hose connector on that motor but do not start the motor on that, it will burn up the water impeller. what i did is i went to the dollar store and bought a big tub that i put the lower unit in ( fill it up and leave the hose running i it )and that way i know that i get positive water flow..8)
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