my motor will not plain off


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
I have a 2000 Johnson 225 that has problem. I currently have spark coming from the spark plugs and I have added new fuel lines. On an average, I can run 61 to 63 mph wot. I have had it up to 76 at one time and Everyone that I have talked to that has the same motor, says I should be running faster than that. When the motor is cold, it seems to plane off fine without a problem. As I drive it around for a few hours, then it takes longer for the boat to come off plane,(especially when my livewells and gas tank are full) Some people have told me that it was a coil breaking down and others tell me its the powerpack. It doesn't idle that rough and rebs up fine without a load. I have a new coil bc i was going to test every cylinder under a load and see if it is breaking down. Does anybody have any ideas that could solve my problem bc that would be great?


Feb 22, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

Do a compression test.(all plugs out, grounded).

Use a spark tester set at 7/16th inch gap, not with a sparkplug.(all plugs out)

Use a timing light to see if its dropping a coil when warm.

Yeh it "could" be coils or powerpack,
thats why we do the troubleshooting to zero in.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

I got one coil the other day but I havent put it on yet. I am going to the lake tomorrow for a few hours. I am going to try to do a process of elimination on the coils to see which one is bad b/c i dont have a timing light. Is there anything else I should check? I just hit a 500 dollar ticket on the lottery, so I might just order 5 other coils and another power pack and be done with it. Ill let you know tomorrow if the process of elimination worked. Thanks for your advice, Wesley


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: my motor will not plain off

Welcome to iboats.

DO NOT spend money and throw parts at the motor or your $500 will vanish fast!!! However, take a little-bit and get a timing light to do a proper diagnosis........ I doubt ALL of your coils are bad and it might be a powerpack instead.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

just hit a 500 dollar ticket on the lottery, so I might just order 5 other coils and another power pack and be done with it

Then what if that doesn't fix it, buy a stator?
and it could just be a plug wire in the end.
I've been down that road.:mad:

$500 isn't enough to cover all the possible bad parts, but you can buy all the tools you need to troubleshoot for under $50.:)

Tim Frank

Vice Admiral
Jul 29, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

Then what if that doesn't fix it, buy a stator?
and it could just be a plug wire in the end.
I've been down that road.:mad:

$500 isn't enough to cover all the possible bad parts, but you can buy all the tools you need to troubleshoot for under $50.:)


And that is at least $500- worth of good advice!!....
I think JonesG either accepts cash or major credit cards....;):D


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

What type of boat and pitch prop? Whats your rpm @ 61-63mph? Yes a boat will plane off slower with full tanks and livewells.


Chief Petty Officer
Mar 21, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

As I drive it around for a few hours, then it takes longer for the boat to come off plane,(especially when my livewells and gas tank are full)

Another (perhaps remote) possibility ... your boat is taking on water in the bilge, adding to the weight the motor has to push.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

So I went to the lake today and tested the coils by putting a brand new one in the place of an old one. I still am going around 60-62mph. it still sounds like something is breaking down when Im at wot. When taking off, it is still lacking power. I think my prop is the factory prop that came with the motor. it is a Raker 14 1/2 X 28.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 11, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

my two cent on this issue is follow the directions given to you on this site, your motor will purr when their directions are followed. $50 worth of trouble shooting tools is priceless get them, do the tests they suggested, then report back the results, they will have you up and going.... that is unless you want the alternatives.... marine mechanic and their fees or the equally if not more expensive random replacement of parts.... (lol or the poorly trained randomly parts replacing marine mechanic LMAO)
anyhow these guys are absolutely great, and they will with the minimum of $$ and time get you on right track if you listen too em.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

ill get you back the results today. Im going to buy the tools but Im gonna need some help with the timing light. I know how to do a spark test and a compression check on all the cylinders. Now once I hook up the timing light and amp clamp, do I need to take off and just look at the light and see if it flashes faster on certain coils. How fast do you think my johnson 225 should go.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

Ok so I got the timing light and I went to the lake today. I ran my boat for about 20 min to get it nice and warm. I tested all the coils with a timing light and under a load. They all seemed to be about the same. I only got up to 61 mph today. I havent did a compression check but I am going to do one on sunday. It just seems like my motor is struggling to get up out the water. What else do i need to check.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

I see theres a lack of info in the first post that can't be accomodated , so lets start at the beginning.

What is the model number.?

How long have you had this engine.
What are the RPM's at full throttle.
Did it run better in the past?
is there any service history?
Got a water seperator installed?

What size gap do you use when doing a spark test,
I suspect you don't own the adjustable spark tester.
They only cost $10.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 2, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

Like jonesg posted......What is your rpm at WOT? If your running 61mph that should put you in the 4800 rpm area. What type/brand of boat? Is motor motor the HO series?


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

ok I have a 20 ft 2 in blazer bass boat with 2000 Johnson 225 model # J225PL. Ive had the boat a lil over a year and Ive put new fuel lines, and plugs in it. I don't know what RPM I am running bc it was stuck ever since I bought the boat. It sat for six years in an estate and the mans son sold it to me. He had someone someone go through the carbs and give it a tuneup from what he told me. The boat has always took a second to take off. Sometimes it will just pop out the water like no bodies business and sometimes it feels like it doesn't have that power hump. lol I do have one of those spark testers. I figured I would get one so I could do the test the way you wanted me to.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 9, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

I'll just encourage you to stay on it from here. You are on the right track. The guys here at iboats have been the knowledge behind literally thousands of repairs done by "do-it-yourselfers" that wouldn't of had a chance otherwise. Just provide all the info and test results that they ask for and you will have your solution in no time. Good luck.


Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

Ok so today I checked my compression on my motor and did a spark test with a 7/16 gap. My compression checked out pretty well. 110, 110, 105, 110, 105,110
The spark test didn't turn out to well. When looking at the back of the motor, there were two cylinders that didn't fire. They were the bottom two on the left hand side of motor looking from back to front. I also checked with a good coil and they didn't fire. What do you think I should do now? Do you think it is a power pack.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 5, 2009
Re: my motor will not plain off

Could be a power pack or a timer base but should be checked out with the correct meters before just throwing parts at it unless you have plenty of $$$$.


Feb 22, 2008
Re: my motor will not plain off

Ok so today I checked my compression on my motor and did a spark test with a 7/16 gap. My compression checked out pretty well. 110, 110, 105, 110, 105,110
The spark test didn't turn out to well. When looking at the back of the motor, there were two cylinders that didn't fire. They were the bottom two on the left hand side of motor looking from back to front. I also checked with a good coil and they didn't fire. What do you think I should do now? Do you think it is a power pack.

DO all the swaps required to narrow it down, swap coils , swap plug wires.
Take one of the coils that doesn't fire and try it on the other side.

If no dice... for my money I'd try a new powerpack.
I believe if it was the stator the spark would go out on all 3 cyls on one side, not 2 out of 3. I might be mistaken but I believe I'm correct.

The only oprtion is buy a marine peak reading multimeter for $80 and start testing outputs of stator and timer base, although I think timer base and stator would cause problems on all 3 cyls on the bad side.



Seaman Apprentice
Nov 23, 2010
Re: my motor will not plain off

Im gonna try a new powerpack and see what happens and I will let yall know the feedback. Thank yall very much. Yall are bad *** mechanics. :D