1966 johnson 80hp v4al-18c stator Question


Jun 3, 2010
How do you test the stator? and can you run the motor if its not working?
cause i have no spark.
And while im here, how to test regulator and rectifier or diode which i put a pic of.
I was on here a few days ago and got some help but need to figure out how to test these so i can go forward,
One more thing i have a regulator/rectifier from a 1977 chrysler 115 charger motor that id like to use on the johnson if its at all possible,Picture 013.jpg
ill have a pic of it also.

thanks stevePicture 163.jpg


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: 1966 johnson 80hp v4al-18c stator Question

Youo should focus on getting the motor running. Once it is running, you can tell if the alternator is working or not, and deal with it at that time. Until then, you are wasting your time worrying about something that may have nothing wrong with it.

All that to say, the stator, rectifier , and regulator have nothing at all to do with the motor running. You could throw all that stuff in the garbage, and it would still run. But please don't do that--it's expensive.