Sloppy mechanical shifter


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 22, 2009
I have a mechanical shifting 1958 Evi with 35 hp. When shifting, there is 1.5 inches of play/slop in the shift cable. I can tell that the shifting lever is rotating a lot before acting on the rotary shifting mechanism inside the motor. Am considering jamming a shim inside the linkage to take out all the slop. Is that a mistake?

As things are now (with all this free-travel), I can adjust to either have a forward gear and neutral -- or a reverse gear and neutral. Therre is just not enough EFFECTIVE travel to allow for shifting the full spectrum. So, having forward gear only, that makes things a little dicey when coming in to dock in these strong Montana winds.

Thanks, guys!


Supreme Mariner
Jul 7, 2006
Re: Sloppy mechanical shifter

Do you have the standard 35 or the Lark? They are different animals.

If it is the standard, they are prone to the clevis breaking or coming loose on the inside. The upper shift rod on those is exposed to exhaust and rot in two. Powerhead removal is required. They are also prone to the hole where the shift shaft goes through the exhaust housing wearing severely. That requires more drastic action (replace exhaust housing, or figure out a way to repair it).

If it is the Lark, they are also prone to the clevis breaking. When it breaks on a Lark, it sometimes jams up and you can't shift at all. It doesn't have the exhust housing problem, but it does have a multi-piece universal joint between the outer lever and the exhaust housing. If that is worn, replacement of worn parts is necessary. Powerhead removal is necessary here too. And removal of the exhaust housing from the outer shell.

Shade tree fixes like you suggest will only delay the inevitable, and besides it will cause wear on the clutch dog and gears. That's expensive!!


Petty Officer 3rd Class
Dec 22, 2009
Re: Sloppy mechanical shifter

Yes, it is a Lark. Didn't know there was any other. I have an identical second motor without the power head and have robbed good parts off that LU to repair worn dogs, a scored prop shaft with worn splines (likely from a steel leader getting caught in there, and worn forward gear. things are going very well now, but I plan to tear it all down again this week and put in new seals all over.

I noticed LU lube exiting the LU from a rear bolt hole in the lower section of the LU that houses the prop shaft assembly. That bolt is held in by 8 allen headed bolts. Out I seal that with red silicone? How about adding a washer, lock washer, above the allen bolts?

And I'll transfer that shift linkage over to solve the slop issue as well. But that looks like a bit of time to do that.

Finally, sir, what's up with the 85 cent nylon washers on the LU oil vent and oil fill holes that are to be discarded after one use? What's wrong eith o-rings? Why can the nylons not be reused? Sounds like a bit of a money-making gag to me. Thoughts?

thanks for the help.