boat identification problems and gale info.


Jun 18, 2010
Hi to all,

I just bought what i thought was a 1960 14ft crestliner fiberglass boat/trailer/motor For $200 dollars. The trailer is a regular not homemade tilting boat trailer,the motor i tracked down to be a 1958 gale buchaneer 35hp electric start that seems to run fine but havn't been out on the water yet with it. The boat though doesn't fit from what i can find that it should be. There is no plates anywhere on boat.It looks very close to what a 14ft crestliner imperial arabia would be or possibly another model that yr in a 14 ft. but doesn't match. what it looks like to me is a crestliner jetstreak front end and the rest an arabia but it can't be possible. I did find an ad in florida that showed the same boat but was advertised as a montgomery wards or gale boat but cannot find any info so maybe the guy is incorrect. on the dash i have things missing but the ad on other boat showed a plate with start button and somthing else and the plate did say gale across it and it's exactly where it should go on my boat. any info is appreciated on this boat also i would need a lower oil drain plug mine is missing i think from hauling it home down the highway since there was fresh oil leaking out when i got home. thanks


Jun 18, 2010
Re: boat identification problems and gale info.

I did track down and find out what boat it is. It is a 1964 14' sea king sport sea venture from the 64' montgomery wards ad from fiberglassics website. the motor is a 58 gale buccaneer 35hp electric start. boat originally came with gale motor but not the gale that is on it now most likely a gale sovereign.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: boat identification problems and gale info.

Do you have a question about outboard engines?