Help with a re-wire (old boat)

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Hi all have a few electrical questions on my boat restore. It's an I/O 3.0 Mercruiser in a 1971 Starcraft (18' aluminum). The wiring is a total mess, splices, dead-ends, and brittle wires everywhere.

I didn't notice any fuses in the boat. I traced the red wires down and can't find a fuse anywhere. Is this normal for 1971?

I think I'm looking at a total re-wire. Has anyone used a prefab harness that they would recommend?

I found these guys on the net, any comments on this?

I'm looking for advice and help. I'm not quite sure which way to go. I feel a re-wire is in order. I'm not comfortable with the current wiring as is.

Thanks in advance for any help, I really need it.




Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Help with a re-wire (old boat)

Yes -- you need a total rewire. Before you even start, go to the I/O section of this forum and from there you may be able to download a schematic for the engine portion of the boat. There are two electrical systems on a boat. The one associated with the engine and one associated with the remainder of the boat accessories. There is a generic wiring diagram in the stickies at the top of the electrical forum. Everything you need is available right here on iBoats. Yes -- you need a fuse panel. Do not start this project until you have made a list of what electrical stuff you will have . You know you have an engine and an instrument panel, nav/anchor lights, probably a radio, and ??????????. Plan ahead or you will end up with a mess just like you have.

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Help with a re-wire (old boat)

OK that's what I thought. I was thinking these old boats are like 70's cars, which I'm familiar with. Yea this boat is a real nightmare with the wiring. I want to do this right, no cutting corners.

I would love to get a prefab harness. Any comments on the EZACDC harnesses.

My brother is a whiz with wiring and he is helping me out so I'm not running blind.

Which of the two systems does the tilt/trim go on. Engine side or panel side?


PS: iboats is a great place to shop. I'll try to support the home team.


Supreme Mariner
Sep 22, 2003
Re: Help with a re-wire (old boat)

Tilt & Trim is part of the engine harness since the switch is in the controls at the helm.

Bwana Don

Lieutenant Commander
Oct 20, 2009
Re: Help with a re-wire (old boat)

Do you know where I get a "Cannon Plug" connector for my boat? Specifically the side going from the engine to the panel (male side?). I would feel better if I replaced it. It's looking a little weathered and the rubber boot is splitting.

My boat is a 1971 3.0 mercruiser.


Dec 10, 2008
Re: Help with a re-wire (old boat)

Ha Ha Ha..
Hi Don. Sounds like you and i have a similar mess. Only difference is i popped the bucks for a new harness from the fuse panel back to the engine breaker. now i am stuck with a new harness with a non matching "cannon plug".. I am not knowlegdible when it comes to wiring so i am hesitent to use silvertip's method just yet due to not knowing what to do about the main service breaker on my male side harness plug. don't want to go cutting anything nessesary out and then causing a fire. Good luck to you and keep me posted. I look forward to seeing your progress.
