What's your favorite boat magazine?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jan 18, 2009
Thinking about a subscription to Boating magazine, but wonder what else is out there and what people like. Not interested in the magazines that focus just on yachts or sailboats.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2008
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

Speaking only for myself, I've been pretty disappointed in the ones I've read. Just looking for general powerboat information and such, so yachts and sailboats don't help me either. The powerboat magazines that I've seen seem to be 40% advertising, 55% new high dollar boat reviews and 5% useful information.


Chief Petty Officer
Jan 17, 2010
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

I used to read TrailerBoats magazine back in the mid to late 90's. Had a lot of good info that I could relate to. It used to have a lot of good tech articles and reviews on boats in the 16-24 ft range, and articles on watersports. Haven't seen one for quite a few years now though. Had to check to make sure it was still published. I guess it is. I used to dream about the boats in Boating magazine. Still do actually.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 7, 2002
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

Over the years I've subscribed to pretty much all of 'em at one time or another.
Most magazines have some good attributes, but my current favorite is 'MotorBoating' magazine.

Now, I'm into larger cabin-cruiser type boats so take that into consideration, but IMO articles are well written and each month has some very good 'how-to' and maintenance columns, not to mention good tech and destination info.

It doesn't hurt that I get a free subscription every year that I attend the AC Boat Show. Well, not REALLY free, but the admission price includes it. One year I opted out, and it took them 5 months to send me a check for 6 bucks. :D


Fleet Admiral
Jul 27, 2007
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

In 1971 I picked up Volume 1, Issue 1 of Trailer Boats. The picture on the cover caught my eye because I had just bought that very same boat. I was a charter subscriber for 36 years....I even bound and kept every single issue. A few years ago they changed ownership and it has gone to crap. For example, the issue I just received had tests on a boat and tow vehicle that each cost over 60 grand. I won't be renewing.

Boating World was my second choice. They went to crap too, IMHO.

If you look athe price and then find that the rag is only 36 pages long, why bother.

Go to your local boat show and pick up every single piece of literature you can find...and its free! Or, go online and read the stories under the magazine's web sites.

Print isn't what it used to be.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 14, 2006
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

Years ago I used to mooch my step-father's back issues of Powerboat Reports. I liked their no-nonsense presentation on good paper complete with (I think) three ring binder holes.

Yes, they did do high-dollar boat reviews but also had lots of information on general maintenance as well as unbiased reviews of gear. As I recall I think they were ad-free which of course made it quite an expensive publication.

Sadly, I think they went under about 2007 - at least that's the latest online article I can find under their name.


Vice Admiral
Aug 18, 2007
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

IMO, DIY Boat Owner is the only really useful one.

The ones that test boats all seem to kow-tow to the manufacturers.


Master Chief Petty Officer
Jul 23, 2008
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

IMO, DIY Boat Owner is the only really useful one.

The ones that test boats all seem to kow-tow to the manufacturers.

This is true of any magazine...hard to find a truthful review of anything anymore. After all, if the mag craps on the product, the manufacturer will stop sending them free stuff to review. :(

That said, I enjoy Boating Life, and Boating Ontario. :D Cause even us poor folk like to dream of big cruisers...



Petty Officer 2nd Class
May 19, 2009
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

Speaking only for myself, I've been pretty disappointed in the ones I've read. Just looking for general powerboat information and such, so yachts and sailboats don't help me either. The powerboat magazines that I've seen seem to be 40% advertising, 55% new high dollar boat reviews and 5% useful information.

Exactly my sentiment.

dan t.

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Feb 28, 2008
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

On the west coast the popular ones are Pacific Yachting www.pacificyachting.com also Boat Journal www.boatjournal.com DIY Boat Owner is a great mag also. Yes Power Boat Reports went under,too bad ,they were a good mag, pulled no punches,if something was a POS they said so,likewise if it was good


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

I subscribe to Boating, but really it just sucks if you aren't shopping for a new $100K+ cruiser. The merged with some other maganzine a while back and promised to include more how-to articles, but I have yet to see that come to fruition. Either way, any boating mag is decent reading on the head. Just don't expect to walk away satisfied (from the mag, anyway).:eek:


Mar 19, 2009
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

I have a subscription to Trailer Boats because these are the size and type of boats I work on. I have found it to be, well, lacking a little. Some issues are rather skinny. But then how many ways can you go over the same stuff.

I find some insight in the readers letters both to the ed and tech.

They are doing a lot of tow vehicle articles. I would prefer a big shoot out a few times a year over one or 2 every issue.

They do keep you up to date on the latest/greatest boats on the market.

I haven't heard of DIY Boating, I'll have to look that one up.


Seaman Apprentice
Aug 11, 2009
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

I also have subscribed to Trailer Boats for years. I also subscribe to Boating, and Pontoon and Deckboat magazine. The economic problems of the past few years have really hurt these magazines. Boating is probably the best but it is not as good as it was a few years ago. Most issues are not worth the money.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Aug 5, 2009
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

I subscribed to IBOATS.COM. Has way more boating Information than any boating Rag Mag would. ;)

Capt'n Chris

Chief Petty Officer
May 21, 2009
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

" Boat US" should be on every boater's coffee table. The organization is the boater's strongest advocate with an impressive following. It's magazine readership approaches 700,000, the largest of any boating magazine.


Rear Admiral
Sep 17, 2007
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

For what it's worth:

Boating Life is generally OK. I think after a while they run out of stuff to write about and have to lower their standards. I sent in a few ideas for columns and articles and they actually used them! They cater to to 18'-24' range.

Boating has become my primary lately. They cater to the larger boat (25'-40') so that has my interest as I now have a 37' Carver.

But my all time favorite has to be the Boat US issue. they actually have interesting tips and articles. I just wish it was thicker and more often than quarterly.


Mar 7, 2010
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

Been through several over the years. Too bad Power Boat Reports went under.No pun intended.
Had them all since 2nd issue.
Presentlyl get Boating-it does have some useful "how to" articles. Have stuck with Soundings over the years. More newspaper type than magazine. Has up to date boating news, stories, happenings and mishappenings:).
Am Boatus member so get their mag.
Good luck and have fun.


Lieutenant Commander
Dec 13, 2008
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

For what it's worth:

Boating Life is generally OK. I think after a while they run out of stuff to write about and have to lower their standards.

Boating Life doesn't exist anymore. Boating bought them out.


Chief Petty Officer
Jul 4, 2005
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

I subscribed to Trailer Boats for several years and I eventually stopped the subscription when the magazine got too skinny. I am getting Boating right now, but I did not subscribe to it. I think a family member gave me a subscription as a gift. I will continue reading it as long as it is delivered to my house, but I don't think it is worth the subscription. I do like the Boat U.S. magazine that is sent to Boat U.S. members. For the most part, I find forums like iBoats to be the best source of information, but I do like having a stack of good boat magazines for a long flight.


Lieutenant Commander
Feb 28, 2009
Re: What's your favorite boat magazine?

i still like trailer boats, yes it is small. but it still has alot of articles and reviews that i find helpful. I got a free Boating Magazine subscription with it also. good info in there, but they seem to review boats that I will never, ever be able to afford lol.