I am mounting a 2008 50 mercury onto a 17'X72" boat that has a 90 degree transom angle. When we got this boat there was no motor on it, and no special brackets. The problem is with -5 degree transom wedges installed I am not able to get the motor to trim into the negative zone tucked under the boat for holeshots, and to stop porpusing. With the motor mounted and trimmed all the way in the cavitation plate is parallel to the bottom of the boat. The only way I can run the boat right now is to have ALOT of weight in the front of the boat to keep it from porpusing, which is killing my speed, and not an option if I am alone, or my bow mounted gas tank starts to get low of fuel. Looking around on the internet there are no jackplates that allow height and ANGLE adjustments other than the little small ones for small sailboat motors. Normal transom angles are 12-14 degrees how can I make this 90 degree transom work without having a special bracket made to bolt onto the transom. Thanks