Volvo Throttle controls ?


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2007
Okay, I havn't even had time to really look at the throttle, and I'm realizing some things now

First, unlike the Merc. controls, there's no button in the middle to release it from the shifter to just free rev it. How do you do that?

Second. There are two switches on the handle. One is thumb operable which is for trim. But there's also a rocker switch on the opposite side..whats that for?

Okay, and lastly, The shifter cable works just fine. But the throttle cable doens't move with the throttle control arm. What do I need to look for? Might be a dumb question, but I've never had to mess with that before.


Fun Times

Staff member
May 16, 2009
Re: Volvo Throttle controls ?

Okay, I havn't even had time to really look at the throttle, and I'm realizing some things now

First, unlike the Merc. controls, there's no button in the middle to release it from the shifter to just free rev it. How do you do that?

Second. There are two switches on the handle. One is thumb operable which is for trim. But there's also a rocker switch on the opposite side..whats that for?

Okay, and lastly, The shifter cable works just fine. But the throttle cable doens't move with the throttle control arm. What do I need to look for? Might be a dumb question, but I've never had to mess with that before.

With too hands You will need to pull the throttle handle "OUT" then move it to free rev.
The rocker switch should just be for over riding the trim from half way up to go the rest of the way up. Some times you will need to hit both left side and right side to trim it all the way up. And then one of them should bring it down, [I believe] It has been awhile since useing that style trim.
On the throttle cable it's self you might want to look for any type of rust around the carb side area on the engine, Some times you will need to clean the cable and grease the cable up where it slides just past the threads. And if that dose not work then you may need a new cable.


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2007
Re: Volvo Throttle controls ?

Okay, figured out why it wasn't working...wasn't hooked up.

As far as pulling it "OUT" you mean like pull it in towards me?


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Jun 21, 2009
Re: Volvo Throttle controls ?

Yes,hold the lower hub of the lever with your left hand and pull it away from the body of the boat ,it should pull out about 3/4 inch or so, then with right hand move lever forward .
I found this out 4 years after i had my boat :eek:


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2007
Re: Volvo Throttle controls ?

Yes,hold the lower hub of the lever with your left hand and pull it away from the body of the boat ,it should pull out about 3/4 inch or so, then with right hand move lever forward .
I found this out 4 years after i had my boat :eek:

now thats pretty funny!! Yeah, thank goodness for this forum! I got it all working now, pretty stoked!



Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 18, 2007
Re: Volvo Throttle controls ?

dont feel bad, I bought my first volvo this spring, and 2 weeks ago I had someone over looking at it. I had him start it and he pulled out the handle and reved it up. I was surprised. Didn't know you could do it.