Yamaha 8HP - stuck in reverse


Oct 4, 2007
This is quite an old engine - model 8A, possibly late 70's I think. I've used it the last 2 years, and it's given me no trouble at all. Went out Tuesday, and had to come back in reverse! I had the engine in neutral, and when I came to put it in gear, the lever was more or less solid. It did go into reverse, though, and that's where it stayed. Back on dry land, I found that, with some less-than-gentle persuasion, the lever could be moved to any position. I removed the blanking plug at the bottom of the leg, slackened the clamp screw, and removed the rods from the clamp, and the lever was still stuck, so the problem is at the top end. I don't have a manual (nor can I find one) for this engine, but it loojs to me as though I need to remove the power head from the leg. I've removed the 12 (I think) bolts from under the power head, the clamp I mentioned before is still slack, but the 2 halves of the engine don't want to come apart. Am I approaching this the right way? Is there something else I need to undo, or is the engine now held together by corrosion?