Sept 11th An observation while traveling


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
I just returned from my sad trip to Virginia.... I thought I would pass this to everyone.

I drove to Virginia on 9/11. I was on the highway (Garden State Parkway) at the exact moment of the first plane crash...... The radio station I was listening too was having a "moment of silence" (one of many that day)....

Traffic slowed to a crawl and I even tried a few various stations on the radio to see if other stations were doing the same.....

Very surreal but almost every radio station was silent in the NY area.... and you can see the faces of other people in the cars .......

Traffic slowed everyone was looking at each other like a connection of our thoughts..... people were nodding to each other. This happened again at the next one.

It was a strange experience to have during that drive.

I miss my friends who died that day.... we all did.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 25, 2002
Re: Sept 11th An observation while traveling

Yes Bob, had many a moment of silences myself that day.
I just hope America don't forget and that they let the next generation know what it's all about also.
I know my grand kids know already cause all but 2 of them went thru it with me.
A very sad day for sure.
My heart goes out to all them familys that were victims.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 28, 2007
Re: Sept 11th An observation while traveling

Its been said before...all give some, and some give all......we almost lost our 30 yr old daughter.....she was an intern at the pentagon, went in late that day. Thank the Good Lord.........


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: Sept 11th An observation while traveling

We were all touched and changed that day, some more than others for reasons we all know. To be part of a greater group paying tribute to those lost and those left behind, must have been quite a feeling Bob.