1993 150 Faststrike problem..need ideas (help)


Sep 28, 2005
have a 1993 150 Faststrike. Over this past weekend, i experienced some issues..
1. coming off high speed run, it died as soon as i got to idle.
2. died out on take off a few times when punching it from stop.

both instances i just restarted the motor and then it ran again. I had it out yesterday and it seemed to run just fine and i didn't have those issues. the gas is fresh.

only thing i can think of is i have a gas leak in the gas line somewhere. I have to pump up the bulb after sitting for a while. Any help before i take it to a dealer?


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: 1993 150 Faststrike problem..need ideas (help)

fuel line should hold pressure for hours.........listen closely at all the fittings while somebody pumps the primer bulb to see if you can hear it sucking air anywhere. Look close at all the fuel lines & fittings under the cowl and at the carb bowl gaskets for leaks while somebody pumps the bulb. Take the airbox cover off, pressurize the line, and tilt the engine full up, see if any fuel runs out the carb throats. Squeeze the bulb, see if it forces any fuel into the carb throats. This would indicate a carb rebuild with new float valves/seats.

How old is the primer bulb & fuel line.......if more than a few years, go ahead & replace 'em. If that don't fix the problem, keep the old one onboard as a spare.