Replacing outbord on a 2002 170CC & Owners Manual


May 30, 2007
Desperately looking for an owner manual for a 2002 SeaPro 170CC. I need the boat's wiring diagram; I have hard time obtaining it from the dealer or the manufacturer.
Can someone share such information or where it can be obtained?
I will be replacing the 90HP Yamaha 2-stroke with a 75hp 4-strokes. The old outboard has been stolen and all wires/cables/hose were cut.
Can the old cables and wires be spliced or do I need new ones?
Any information on the type and length of the steering cable, other cables and electric harness for such boat?
Any information / experience on how to mount the new outboard please help.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Dec 6, 2006
Re: Replacing outbord on a 2002 170CC & Owners Manual

I would not recommend splicing the old wiring harness, but you should be able to buy a engine harness that will plug into the dash/switch harness that you already have. Check the control cables that you have and see if they list a number on them. You may be able to cross reference this to get replacements the right length. If not you can always guestimate at the lenght that was cut off and measure what you have left. I have also been able to get a owners manuel for my boat, and according to the factory they are not sure if they even made one for a 1990 model.
You should be able to use a Yamaha wiring diagram to get your boat running and should be able to plug and play as long as the original plugs at the switch are still there. Your engine should also bolt to the old holes if the shafts are the same length. The cavatition plate should be one inch above the bottom of the boat. Hope this helps some.


May 30, 2007
Re: Replacing outbord on a 2002 170CC & Owners Manual

Thank you for your reply and the hlpful info.
Where a Yamaha wiring diagram can be obtained?
I have no access to the boat to measure the cable length, it is located on the other side of the Atlantic, and I am leaving in 10 days to install the new Yamaha and need to make sure to have all the parts.

I was told, yesterday, by NC SeaPro rep @ Blue Waters Group, that I need 14' long cables that I am getting at a local dealer ($75) for both throttle and shift.

For the electric harness the dealer quoted part # 6X3-8258A-00-00 they have it for $70.99. I was also told that I might need a connector adaptor part # 703-8258A-00-00 ($57). The dealer was not sure of the number of connector pins, 9 or 10, I have on the 2002 170CC.

Does anyone have any idea about this connector adaptor and the number of pins?