bottom bouncing for springs

brother chris

Jul 28, 2002
Hi, <br />I fish in the Fraser River and it is tidal waters for about 30 miles inland, from the ocean. <br />Anyways, my friends are teaching me how to fish properly and we have gone out numerous times, but have caught no fish yet. They have taught me how to bottom bounce for spring(Chinook) salmon. <br />When I was reading the regs, it says bottom bouncing is not permitted. So now I am back to the drawing boards. <br />Does anyone know how I can catch spring salmon in the Fraser River, without bottom bouncing? <br />For those of you who fish for springs, what do you use to catch them? I am in diar need of catching a spring before the season ends. <br />Any help would be appreciated. <br />Thanks,<br />Bro Chris.