1998 force 120


Nov 3, 2003
I had my boat out on the water this weekend... I was finishing up about 24 gallons of fuel with about 1 oz. per gallon fuel system cleaner mixed in... Well I was just about empty so I pulled into the marina to put about 12 gallons gas in (I didn't put fuel cleaner in this time). I made it about 1/4 mile at the most from the marina when I was going wide open and the engine sputtered out on me.<br /><br />All indications were pointed at the marina's fuel quality. I spoke with the marina guy later that day and he did not admit to any other reports of problems with his fuel. He claims his tanks are small and there is high turnover there. I believe him as his marina is very busy all the time even with the local law enforcement boats.<br /><br />And if it couldn't get any worse, after it died, the battery did not seem to want to turn over the engine. The day before I charged the battery over night and half the next day with a new inexpensive battery charger and it would only hold a 75% charge at the best. The battery was bought in the last year.<br /><br />Problem one... Why would my battery only hold 75% charge after charging so long? And when it does show 75%, it will hardly turn my engine over. I checked all my cables and they seem to have good connections... I even changed the connectors on the ground cables to the engine.<br /><br />Problem two, once I get the thing to turn over and try and fire, where should I start to correct the gas problem?<br /><br />Please help me! :)


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Aug 12, 2003
Re: 1998 force 120

Jay,<br />if you battery is in question and you say it will only take a 75% charge replace it. We have good luck with interstate megatron batteries srm 24 or srm 29. I dont know if they are available in your area. trying to crank over the motor on a low battery can and will ruin your starter motor once a new battery is installed if the motor has a hard time cranking over, you will have to take a amp draw test about a 175amps draw is normal. It does sound like your problem is fuel related after filling the boat, but it could be coincidence. hopefully you didnt buy premixed and you mixed in your own oil. You are going to have to fix your cranking problem before you can do any trouble shooting. The first thing i would check is spark and compression if these are good move on to fuel system. I hope this helps. Bret<br /> <br />If you need further assistance please email me @ forcepower01@yahoo.com.


Nov 3, 2003
Re: 1998 force 120

Thanks a bunch for the advice Bret!<br /><br />I am currently working on my starting problem and I believe you hit the nail on the head. I have re-checked all connections, my battery is NOW charging up to 100% AND I tested the battery gravity with a tester which indicates ALL cells are optimum.<br /><br />This leads to the starter. Over the years I have dealt with bad and dying batteries in which I have tried to start my engine with. Many times have I tried and tried (I guess this was dumb), to get the engine to start when the batter would only turn it a couple times (struggling). I would be willing to bet I have destroyed the starter motor. I have also had a problem with the engagement sticking and not popping up and engaging with the flywheel. Maybe this could be a result of a mis-aligned starter. Also, to bypass the wiring and such, I ran a jumper cable straight from the battery positive to the starter connection... I got the same result... Just a tired turnover of the engine which finally fizzled out...<br /><br />I think it is time for another starter... If any suggestions, please pass along... What can I expect in installing a new starter?


Jun 29, 2003
Re: 1998 force 120

Are you 100% sure it's a battery problem in this case?????<br />First thing that came to mind for me was a partial melt-down....started to sieze, and woudn't turn over with starter....<br />Just another thought, but you might test compression cold, the engine may spin free now. ;)