Newbee questions...


Jul 17, 2009
I am new to boating and new to this forum, and I have a couple of questions:

I have a 2008 Q5 (4.3)and recently I noticed that occasionally it will "diesel" or not want to turn off when I turn the ignition off. I could not get it to duplicate at the dealer. Should I simply try a higher grade of fuel?

Also, this week, my speedo guage stopped working. I have heard that this is a pretty easy fix, or do I have to take it in to the dealer to correct?




Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 23, 2009
Re: Newbee questions...

Well not sure what kind of guage you have but there will be something connected to the Transom (the back of the boat if you didnt know) It sticks in the water and used water pressure to get speed. Some are a tube, witch can clog and some are a plastic "rod" that sticks streight down and when the water hits it and it presures the line and you get speed. Now if you Hit a stick or something it can be bent back and the speedo will stop, just flip it down and you will be ok.

Now as far as the engine not shutting off, you may want to use the thread for your engine you will get a better answer, but sounds like you may be running to ritch, maybe a carb adjustment. unless you have fuel injectors. Then I dont know.

good luck.


May 2, 2009
Re: Newbee questions...

I have a new 2008 Q5 as well that had dieseling problems. Mine was ideling too high, dealer reset the idle to specs and it went away. He said they sometimes leave the idle a bit high for break in... I'm not sure what to believe, I always thought dieseling was from a hot spot not idle adjustment. Never ran it hard enough to get hot, haven't went over 4000 rpm. Never the less she doesn't do it any more, starts right up and purrs like a kitten.

I do recommend the Smart tabs, made a believer out of me and made it act like a new boat. The Q5 does have a curvature to the transome so it will take a bit of engineering to get them on. I used Epoxy as a filler/shim, others have used washers.


Jul 9, 2009
Re: Newbee questions...

My 01 Q3 diesels when I turn it off sometimes too. I lowered the idle a little bit and it got better. If I let it idle for 10-15 seconds before I shut it off then I never have a problem.

I'm going to try some seafoam to clear any carbon build that I may have. The carbon build up can cause hot spots in your engine that are hotter than your temp gauge would indicate. These hot spots will contribute to the dieseling problem.

You can also try a higher grade of fuel or just put in some octane boost if you already have a full tank.


Jul 23, 2009
Re: Newbee questions...

On both problems sounds like you have been in some shallow water an picked up some debree in both your water intake and speedometer pickup since they are both in the same area. I don't know how much of a newbe you are. There are holes on both sides of your drive on the flat part just above where the prop is. A restriction will cause the engine to get hot causing the desileing. On the very back of the drive is a small hole which is the water pickup for the speedo.You might be able to wash both holes out with a garden hose with a spray nozzle.