Re: Starts fine, runs good, then dies when returning to idle
If the eng.runs good at high speed,I wouldnt think a filter would be the problem,thus the fuel to the ok.Do yu have a tach?If so,the eng should be running about 700 at idle,in gear,if its too low ,it may stall,you might raise the idle a bit,if its not an idle adjustment,look to see the timing base under the flywheel is operating ok,see that it slides from open to idle ok,if none of that helps,your carbs could be out of sync,but I dont think its that,did the eng lay up for a while not running,you could have some crud in the low speed jet(s) in that case,you may need to have a carb cleaning,which meand total disassembly of the carb,soak the parts incarb solution and blow throuh all passages with compressed air,or at least using a carb cleaner spray with the tube attacheedblow into all passages.Look the easy look over first,then try the idle speed increase