Search results

  1. J

    compression test

    Im out looking for a replacement motor.........<br /><br /> I ran a compresion test on a 2 stroke 91 Evinrude 50 hp........ Now Im not a two stroke mechanic but I rebuild automotive 4 stoke engines everyday........<br /><br /> first cylinder 60 psi warm<br /><br /> second "...
  2. J

    aluminum v hull water leakleak

    I have a mid 70s 17 aluminum v-hull Sea Nymph that leaks water at a slow but irritating rate. Ive tried adding water to it from the inside to see where it leaks out of but cant seem to make it reverse leak. The consruction of the hull appears to be riveted aluminum panels over the same with...
  3. J

    evinrude 92 40 / 48hp special

    Im looking to replace a Johnson 35 and have the opportunity to buy a 48 special a carbureted 40 so Im told. Any thoughts about this motor? I have a 17 deep v aluminum open side steer that I use strickly for fishing with a good bit of trolling envolved. Is this Evinrude a winner?
  4. J

    77 35 hp 2cyln , lower unit removal

    In trying to remove the lower unit........ Im having a hard time dropping it because I think the shifter shaft connector ( under the cover plate )is stuck in the clamp fitting...........could this be?? Ive loosened the lower clamp bolt and shot a bit of WD-40 on the clamps and it is now...
  5. J

    77 35hp Johnson voltage / current spike??

    Nothing like a problem while youre thousands of miles away from home on vacation......<br />started out with a lazy cylinder...only firing on one cylinder on start-up......then firing as I coaxed the throttle on.......... then miles from no where the battery went totally a jump...