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  1. jrttoday

    other problems.....

    How have you dealt with them? If it doesn't concern our boats, are there really any other? :) Of course there are.... Sadly enough, I'm discovering at this point in my life, my boat is about all that there is..... Depending upon how I "choose" to look at that, that could be good news or bad...
  2. jrttoday


    is this some sort of disclaimer that really means, "we know our product is useless, but we're going to market it anyway and this advertisement has been clinically proven to get your money". Is it a code for "snake oil", or does some of this stuff work? I saw an ad last night for something made...
  3. jrttoday


    this has been a Public Service Announcement - thank you
  4. jrttoday


    kick off your boots and relax, is that how you start your day? Or do you flip a coin to see which direction you're going in first? Is fate predetermined? Does it matter? Will the outcome really be decided by "who won the coin toss"? Or will it be won by the team that ignored the commercials, the...
  5. jrttoday


    Weather or not it happened to you, it happened to me... I spend more time indoors because I'm not working. Whether or not you're a PC Guru, this may or may not help if you've already on Windows 10. And it does help with other Windows 35 minutes long but stopping to...
  6. jrttoday


    if you have an excuse, please share it here. If no one posts, that'll be my excuse for this not being very good reference material. A guy once told me I had more excuses than his wife :facepalm: but it seems I'm running out :lol: I didn't hear you, my earplugs were in backwards...
  7. jrttoday

    remind you of anyone?
  8. jrttoday

    yet, another blinding flash of the obvious.... lol

    I spend most of my waking hours out in the garage, tinkering and thinking... but don't think I'm thinking. Make this about anything you've suddenly realized before or after the fact. We could all use some pointers from time to time. The cold is perhaps something we all have to tolerate this...
  9. jrttoday


    I'm guessing by now many of us have taken up residence on the couch, easy chair, or the like? As an old construction worker, the floor or a bucket will do :lol: I'd rather be on the H2O, but occasionally watch the H2 Discovery channel and usually about our Universe. It's interesting and have...
  10. jrttoday

    can of worms?

    well.. let's hope not. At least, I hope not cos I'm doing the work and footing the billllllllllllllllllllll...... lol and damn the torpedoes because I've already ordered some materials. It isn't like there aren't enough projects I'm currently working on; so "why" another major one? I only need...
  11. jrttoday

    artist wanted

    you don't have to be one, just looking some advice. I've read threads until I'm blind :eek: and did the appropriate thing by naming my boat before it was launched - maybe at conception? The problem is I cannot letter for beans! Thought about taking the dark lenses out of my welding hood, cos I...
  12. jrttoday


    after finishing up and putting up tools yesterday, I took a long hard look at one of my favorite tools of all time. Realized that this one I'd been able to hang on to for a few years - largely because I'm no longer in the field. And maybe because it was the first "cheap one" I've owned in my...
  13. jrttoday

    they said....

    "this isn't Carolina, and you can't.........." Never looking an argument, I said OK... If no one else does, I find this interesting, Forgive me in advance, sometimes typing is the most exercise I'll get all day:facepalm:. Not really, but is some a mental exercise, plus I can practice...
  14. jrttoday

    that's not possible

    but maybe this is.... please excuse me as I feel the need to preface this some; this isn't about me. Although the world does not revolve around me, sometimes my little world does!!! lol I can be guilty of getting all caught up in the details of my life; it's easy to do... I had the good fortune...
  15. jrttoday

    RE: hijackin a thread

    RE: hijackin a thread maybe it's just me? and the way that I am... but I feel that sometimes it may look as if i'm doing that. It is not my intent as i personally welcome other's experience in related matters. Sometimes the line may get blurred and am OK with that in my threads; thought that's...
  16. jrttoday

    it's getting cold

    or just getting started to.... Already find myself getting "stir-crazy", combine that with crazy and well.... lol am halfway through? going through my file cabinets and also figured out how to hook up - finally!! - my wireless printer/scanner :facepalm: not kidding, not my area. Anyway, thought...
  17. jrttoday

    what are YOU worth?!!!

    That's open to interpretation!! but I rarely get the chance to show this off lol. I doubt many have ever seen theirs or even still have it??"]http:// This is the "original" hospital bill from when I was born[/URL]
  18. jrttoday

    recipe for a dead bird....

    and not roadkill lol, "]http:// c[/URL]aught this bird on camera while fishing; only had my 40cal and no license to hunt; and it's probably prohibited to do so from a boat here anyway. But thought enough to buy a low milage frozen one on the way home. That was last spring and decided on a fresh...
  19. jrttoday


    At this writing, perhaps a bit early? Really? IMHO, shouldn?t they be honored every day, 24/7; or is it that our freedom is taken for granted?
  20. jrttoday

    are there any women on here?

    my neighbor was teasing me lol; she says, "you aren't getting any younger, throw it out there". I said, "this isn't a dating site and I don't do well online; not wired that way" So... if for nothing more than to say I did :facepalm: :lol: