Recent content by leeschaumberg

  1. L

    Your Very Own Back in Test Tank

    Hello Whenever some one fixes some thing it can be done wrong. If you don't have a suitable test tank you can only hope it's correct and works. With the price of gas now it may be a pain to drive to the lake to try something. Look what marina's have to run an engine other than a lake...
  2. L

    Needed for my Outboard

    Hello My Chrysler Outboard is a 95H2H. It's a 9.9 hp , EL shaft , sailboat outboard made for sailboats. I need to buy a control box , battery cables , key start , electrical wires , and control cables for up to 100 dollars. If you want to sell me these please tell me. You can email me. Thanks
  3. L

    Water Speedometer Pressure

    Hello Back in the good ole days people could tell some one how much pressure (psi) diff equaled 10 -50 mph. I can't find this info today! I want to make a chart showing this. GPS works but if your on a river flowing at 6 mph it means nothing...