AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters


Nov 14, 2003
Happy New Year! :) <br /><br />We’re looking at buying some quality wool sweaters to wear on the boat. Stumbled onto some items made by George W Steers. Any input on the G W Steers products??? In particular the Submariner and the Tea Clipper’s. Suggestions for other wool sweaters appropriate for use on the boat would be appreciated.<br /><br />Also, if you know of any places to order from, it would be helpful. For the G W Steers I only found one online source, A little pricey. Hopefully some of the Aussies and N.Z.’landers will survive the New Year’s libation and can offer some input. :)

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

don't forget your little 'captain's hat' an meersham pipe.. :) ..


Nov 27, 2004
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

Yer mate! G w steers is Good stuff! But like ya say its a little pricey! But with the exchange rate you might do alright! NZ jumpers {sweaters} are made of pure sheeps wool! Really good for me up here in NH! another good outdoor wear we have is called a swandry, good,rugard and warm! usally found in farming stores or what we call anchormart. Maybe, Not sure, I'll see what i can find out over the next few days for ya!. Happy new year!!

Peter J Fraser

Chief Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2003
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

Another option may be to check out your local hunting store. Some of the outdoor apparel that is available now is better than wool is some cases. (Specially if a person is allergic to wool)<br />I know that SWAZI is exported to the US and have a brilliant range of products that will keep the wet out and the warm in.<br /> Swazi Home Page <br />Norsewear also produce some great outdoor clothing Norsewear Home <br />Good luck,<br />Peter


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Sep 25, 2004
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

Pete,<br /><br />Like your boat. Beautiful hull shape. Looks soft-riding and dry. Good-looking restoration so far. Have fun.<br /><br />Ciao


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

They tend to be more of ski sweaters, but Dale of Norway makes some of my favorites. I have 5-6 of them and I have to put aside some cash to get one but they are great and of VERY high quality.<br /><br />I would have to believe they would make something in the solid color style.<br /><br /> <br /><br />BTW: looks like a great site for sweaters. :)


Nov 14, 2003
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

crab bait – what? No parrot? :D <br /><br />geofthro – Thanks! Any info you could get me would be appreciated. So far the GW Steers looks the best. Can’t find a website for GW Steers, there must be other places that sell it. Also can’t find a web address for anchormart. Found they are partnered with RD1 but the RD1 site doesn’t have clothing.<br /><br />Btw, I found this on a N.Z. board while surfing for info on swandry clothing: And in NZ every girl inherits her dads swandry and is forced to wear it until they leave home. Don’t know if it is a testament to the quality of swandry or an indictment of N.Z. family bonding rituals. :) And we need to have a serious discussion about the waveski. What NZ’ers idea was it to tie your feet to a kayak and jump into the surf? :D <br /><br />Peter – the Swazi stuff looks good. I order a cattle-dog. Over here we call them catalogs. They have some nice looking lightweight wool tops. And they have stuff for women, too. I noticed they sell a woman’s sweater called “woman’s twin peaks”. Don’t think we have anything like that in the US. :) <br /><br />Thanks Pointer. I looked at the website and found they sell those sweaters at the yacht club in the SF marina. Just the excuse I needed to over there. Hoping one or two of those blonde cattle-dog (a.k.a. catalog) models will be hanging out at the store, doing nothing, being lonely. If I take my little capt’n hat and meerschaum pipe, what are my chances? :confused: :D

Peter J Fraser

Chief Petty Officer
Jun 22, 2003
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

Not allowed to have any of those 'twin peak cattle dog models' around here.<br />Something to do with idle threats from resident handbrake.<br />Hope you find something to suit you.<br />BTW The Swandri's are TOUGH and very hard to wear out. The big difference from the new generation hunting clothes is the weight. Swanni's are very tough & heavy but are still a very big seller.<br />I have one which I bought to use for Scouts when I was a leader (20 years ago) and it will last me a very long time to come.<br />Regards<br />Peter

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

well,, at least you'll look good doin' it..<br /><br />ever think maybe to add some 'old spice'. :) <br />do that,, never know whatcha get.. :) ..


Nov 14, 2003
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

If I do that I’ll end up as an icon on the box corner for frozen breaded fish fillets.<br /> :D

Ross J

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Nov 30, 2001
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

Swandri, yup man it takes some beating. I've owned my swanni for 32 years now and still hunt in the same one I had then. I've camped out at night in temperatures down as low as -5C dressed in only that and some warm underclothing and survived OK. Bushed once I made a bivvy out of some punga fronds and slept that way in +2C in the Southern Alps till the morning when I discovered the track only 200m away from my spot!<br />Swanni and I have gone back a long way and yes it's customary to pass them down to the kids, my son is now the proud owner of mine and he wears it religiously on trips. Swears by it. And I must admit to a buzz when he's telling his mates about the history of the thing. <br />Not cheap to purchase but well worth the price for a lifetime of comfort.<br />Slept in snow wearing the swanni and a tee shirt over shorts, just me the .303 and a swanni. The rifle was poked up the body of the swanni till it held up the hood and I sat leaning against a tree for shelter, legs got a bit cool but we made another successful nights accomodation in the bush as comfortable as possible.<br />They make an excellent stretcher also, just cut down a couple of poles, stick them through the body and up the sleeves and hey presto instant stretcher for the injured party. Bit cool for the buggar who gives up his swanni for this but a great carry for the sucker who's carried out.<br />Ross


Rear Admiral
May 29, 2004
Re: AUSSIE / N.Z. – Wool Sweaters

You wanna be stylin' and sportin' bling, the GWSteers be the way to go at $150-$180. You wanna stay warm, check the lambs wool ragg sweaters at llbean at $29.