$300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.


Apr 11, 2002
Try this one.<br /><br />On my 3rd, or 4th, day out with my first boat, I took my Dad and my 4-year-old son to the lake. Nice morning, sun coming up, quiet. That sort of thing. Feeling like the consummate skipper, what with my 3 day's experience and all.<br /><br />We get to the lake and my 4-year-old, who was at that time very nervous about a lot of things, but specifically a bit scared of the idea of being on a boat, started crying, whining, and otherwise getting on my nerves. <br /><br />My Dad, God love him, who is not always the most patient man, starts getting agitated too. <br /><br />A small line at the boat ramp, but not too bad. I drive down the slot, u-turn at the bottom and head up the ramp to straighten the van and the boat. Back it down into the water, looks good. <br /><br />Get out of the van, Benjamnin still screeming, crying, worried about the boat ride. Dad, really agitated now and in a hurry to get things under way, starts issueing boating instructions. <br /><br />"Let's go, let's go - there are people waiting on the ramp. Crank this up - Ben! Stop whining." <br /><br />Like a dutiful son, now also very agitated from the crying and Dad's agitation, I start obeying my father's commands - I am on my 3rd or 4th boating trip ever, and he on his first.<br /><br />I crank the trailer tongue off the back of the van hitch and launch boat - WITH TRAILER ATTACHED. Boat and trailer roll gently down the ramp and begin to float away. <br /><br />Now Dad and I are whining and panicked. Not Ben - he realizes that the boating day is over and is quite pleased about it. <br /><br />Three calmer, more experienced boaters, after laughing their heads off, I am sure, come over to help. <br /><br />"Just take this rope, swim out, and tie it securely onto the post of your trailer and we can all pull it out, but get in, and then detach your boat trailer first."<br /><br />I take off my shoes, take out my wallet, give it all to dad and start wading in. I swim out there, do my duty, climb in the boat and as I get over the side of the boat, my Dad yells, "Where's your palm pilot?" I grab my hip, feel a wet leather case, pull it up to look at and you can see a water level about 1/2 way up the LCD screen. Kind of like one of those oil and water wave machines you can buy at a novelty shop. No chance that this palm will be OK - deader than a brick from that day forward.<br /><br />While the guys pulled the trailer out of the water, there I sat in my boat - which now wouldn't start - with a water soaked palm pilot on my hip contemplating why the hell I got into boating in the first place.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jan 20, 2002
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

MikeSueJ - welcome aboard !<br /><br />Thanks for sharing your entertaining yet educational story with us. We were all new to boating at one time or another...<br /><br />Your story demonstrates the importance of "practice, practice and more practice" - your boating routine must become very automatic to you, so that outside disturbances are not enough to put you off what you have to do. I presume that you'd been out a few times before this without such a bad experience. I recommend that you have quite a few more practice runs (without your father & son - although I take it they won't mind!) - preferably with an experienced boater.<br /><br />Your practice runs should be done ideally at times when the ramp is not busy. Try early mornings. Less people around means less stress for you.<br /><br />Don't give up on boating - it's too good a thing to miss out on. One day your son (& possibly your father) will thank you for hanging in there.

crab bait

Feb 5, 2002
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

WELCOME MIKE, kiwi gives good advice as always.. good story,, man, i know . gettin' flustered.. it's nerve rackn' ! but perservere... it gets better. start making good habits rite from jump,, cause you can get into bad habits QUICK ! believe me leave the people you love at home till get alittle time under your belt they just make it worse for ya .. good luck..

Cpt Ron

May 11, 2007
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

You know what I love.... The smell of gas at dawn...The sound of my engine cranking over and putting the crickets to shame. Everyone above is right, with all the people hitting the ramps these days, and every holiday weekend at the ramp a study in road rage the best thing to do is get to bed early and out of bed early and be out on the calm water before others are awake. The ramp is a stressful time at any point, more so when you have to deal with the hoards of self centered people who won't help you and only see you as an obstruction to their fun. It's tough to get out of bed but some of my best days on the lake started by launching at 7 am and I have a 2 hour tow to the lake.

In this case the early bird truly gets the worm, and the fish, and the best camp site, and a wonderful weekend on the lake.

Blue Skies


Supreme Mariner
Aug 10, 2006
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

Great story. Remember though, you can replace a palm pilot but not yourself or your loved ones. Take your time launching and do not be afaraid to ask for help from someone in line if necessary. There seems to be a big "bravado" thing about needing help. (Maybe thats why some of us will not ask for directions) Most people will be more than willing to help and if necessary give you advice. Some will not help and just want to enjoy the show but there are a lot less of them. Having someone with experience with you is the best thing if possible.


Aug 12, 2003
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

ahh, good times mikesuej. if you're not laughing already you will be soon.

first time out with my old man, i left the plug out and had to get us towed back in. pops was real impressed with me and my new boat.

Gary H NC

Fleet Admiral
Dec 1, 2005
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

Good story!
I think we have all been there. My first boat was a 1967 16 footer with a 40 hp outboard.I did ok learning to launch it from the old bunk style trailer.
Then a couple years later i bought this nice shiny 19 footer with a 115 Merc on the back.I thought i was an experienced boater by that time.
Well,first trip to the ramp i pull in the staging area and take of the transom tie downs,unhook the winch cable and throw the bow rope in the truck bed.
I get in the truck and start to back up and hear this humming noise.I look in the rear view and OMG! there goes the boat rolling off the trailer! It crashed to the concrete with only about 6 inches of the stearn touching the water!
Thats when i realized what an EZ loader trailer was....
The parking lot was full of people,some laughing and some just staring..
No one offered to help and by that point was i really mad!
I had to shove the boat into the water while hearing the hull making all kinds of crunching noises. Set the parking brake...run and jump in the boat and drive it back onto the trailer before it sank.
I pulled out of the lot and out of view before i stopped to tie everything down and look at the damage.
It crushed the whole bottom edge of the transom and crushed the drain plug hole shut.
Only good thing was i found an old fiberglass guy that fixed it perfect and even matched the paint for 300 bucks! What a deal!
That was about 15 years and 6 or 7 boats ago..No major stupid mistakes since,but i know it will happen one day!
No matter how long you own boats there is still plenty to learn..:rolleyes:


Jun 19, 2005
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

Did you remember the plug?


May 17, 2001
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

After 40 years of boating,,,,,,,,I still experience new things each time I go out. Some good and some bad,,,,but that is what makes each time an adventure.


Chief Petty Officer
Apr 26, 2005
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

It is that...an adventure each time. Yesterday went to a new lake with my wife, many launches under our belt over several years. But got interupted in my rountine with the new launch ramp and plus some guy is fixing his equipment right in the way of the launch lineup so I have to go around him with no room. Back the trailer into the water and at the last minute realize I forgot the transom tiedowns. Started off a rough day but ended with a great day on the lake.


Feb 26, 2005
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

I hate it when someone interrupts me during launch prep. I once left the transom saver on the boat...bent it up real good.

After that, I tell new folks going along with me that I have a routine for launch and not to interrupt me. And it's true. I do the same routine every time, and that has kept me from making stupid mistakes. I just send 'em down to the courtesy dock to stand by to hold the boat while I park the tow vehicle. That seems to satisfy their need to help.

Drowned Rat

Jan 20, 2004
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

While the guys pulled the trailer out of the water, there I sat in my boat - which now wouldn't start - with a water soaked palm pilot on my hip contemplating why the hell I got into boating in the first place.

You answered your own question. This will make great stories for years to come and probably forever. :)

Great story.


Seaman Apprentice
Apr 27, 2007
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

Good story Mike, I am glad you were able to recover (with a little help). I lived in Louisville all of my life and rescently moved to Georgia. Where do you boat at? I mostly went to Rough River, but have been to Taylorsville and Nolin and occassionally in the Ohio river. Now I go Lake Lanier in Georgia.

Anyway, stay with it and you will probably end up loving it.

Welcome to Iboats. Using the right forum you can have just about any boat question answered by the people who know.

B. Cecil


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Apr 17, 2007
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

Great story!

You could always put a check list on the new palm pilot;)


Seaman Apprentice
Oct 23, 2004
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

Once you have you launch your boat a few times, you will get into a routine of what you do. Always stick to that and don't change what you do. If it works, don't fix it.

People with boats for the most part are very willing to assist, if they are not, then they haven't been boating long of their heads are stuch you know where. If you're nice to others, they will be nice to you. Trust me, your son will get into boating, one of the best ways to make this happen, is to let him drive sometimes. Good luck.


Dec 8, 2006
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

My wife, who grew up with boats, and her son took out my old/ new 21' 88 fourwinns the first 2 times. The 3rd time, I towed it, took off the straps and bow-hook chain, and was getting in the truck to back it down the ramp.
both of them looked at me and said "aren't you going to un- hook the bow line?" Then it hit me, they had launched it twice, on a roller trailer, with out the bow hitched. Lucky me. They now know better.


May 20, 2007
Re: $300 and a sunk trailer - Dumber than H E doubles.

That's great advice to ask people not to disturb while we launch the boat. I'll use it next time. My wife and I have a great routine. It takes about 30 seconds to put the boat on the trailer another 15 to latch it up and off she goes while I wait in the back of the pickup. I've had guests ask me if I wanted their help and I tell them no thanks because my wife and I have a great system. Non-boaters seem to get upset, but I'd rather have them upset than screwing up something on the boat or someone getting hurt.