Too much stabil???


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 27, 2006
Im very frustrated with my boat! Before the first trip this season i emptied the tank on my boat. Put fresh gas in it, 50 gallons to be exact, also put a gallon of oil, a bottle of seafoam and a bottle of stabil. Ran it on the lake for a while and everything was good. On the next fill-up i put 30 more gallons of gas and another bottle of stabil. Took to to the ramp put it in the water, started it up and idled fine for like 10 minutes. Went out through the channel and when i gave it throtle the engine died. Check the glass inline filter and it was all murky and white. I thought i had water in the water separator so i emptied it and pumped new gas through it. Same murky whitish gas was coming out. Repeated the process of empting out the water separator and pumped gas through it again. This time it was good gas. Clean, clear and blueish. It ran perfect the rest of the day. No problems at all!! Last night took the boat out to the ramp again for a little night fun around Downtown Miami. Same thing, put the boat in the water, idled for like 10 min, and when i went to give throtle, the engine died on me again. Checked and there the murky fuel was again. This time i pumped and pumped and no clean fuel ever came out. What can this be?? Too much stabil? If its water, i can't imagine how that much water got in there!!!!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 27, 2006
Re: Too much stabil???

I've had this boat for over three years and this had never happened.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 31, 2010
Re: Too much stabil???

I have 2-200 gallon tanks on my boat, and i use a bottle of stabil in each tank per season. I think thats how much a whole bottle is meant to treat. 2 Bottles of stabil in 80 gallons is overkill....that might be the problem


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 27, 2006
Re: Too much stabil???

I also think that is the problem. I dont think stabil and oil mix too well either. Maybe too much stabil in gas mixed with oil could cause me problems.


Vice Admiral
May 31, 2008
Re: Too much stabil???

It's not the Sta-bil. I regularly run much more Sta-bil than is called for in a gas-oil mix and it does not turn milky at any time.
You're getting water in the gas somehow, either from the boat or the pump.


Jan 18, 2003
Re: Too much stabil???

With the SeaFoam and Stabil, I would suspect that you are getting a lot of junk cleaned from the gas tank or the hoses are deteriorating and dissolving the inner lining. Undoubtedly there is a lot of solvent in the additives. Letting and old fuel tank completely empty and dry out is just inviting junk to flake off and enter the fuel lines.


Lieutenant Commander
Oct 8, 2008
Re: Too much stabil???

Marine Sta-Bil is 1 ounce for 10 can double this for long storage.

I wouldn't be using Sta-Bil in the concentration that you seem to be using...and adding Sea Foam on top of this.

Just my opinion. And 'yes'...I don't leave home without Sta-Bil in my E-10 gas, but I don't go above 1.5 ounces per 10 gallons.

Happy boating!


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 27, 2006
Re: Too much stabil???

Thanks for the info tx. I will check whats going on today when i leave work. Again if it is water i have no idea how it got in my gas tank. What im thinking is maybe when i filled it up the second time the gas from the gas station was bad. That happened to a friend of mine.


Senior Chief Petty Officer
Mar 19, 2002
Re: Too much stabil???

Drain some of the gas into a jar and see if it separates after 15 minutes, this will tell you what the problem is, if it does that.
I have been boating for 50 years and I only use stabil when winterizing, why else would you need to use it?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 10, 2010
Re: Too much stabil???

Drain some of the gas into a jar and see if it separates after 15 minutes, this will tell you what the problem is, if it does that.
I have been boating for 50 years and I only use stabil when winterizing, why else would you need to use it?

Don't know how valid it is, but its supposed to protect against ethanol that is in gas these days.

From Sta-bil's website:

"Use AT EVERY FILL UP to protect your boat or other marine equipment from the damaging effects of Ethanol in the marine environment. "


May 17, 2010
Re: Too much stabil???

Don't know how valid it is, but its supposed to protect against ethanol that is in gas these days.

From Sta-bil's website:

"Use AT EVERY FILL UP to protect your boat or other marine equipment from the damaging effects of Ethanol in the marine environment. "

Good marketing ploy, complete nonsense that plays on this fear that people seem to have about E10.


Supreme Mariner
Oct 30, 2002
Re: Too much stabil???

Around here, we can buy Sta-bil in 4, 8, 10, 16, 32 ounce, as well as i gallon container.

What size bottle are you using?
Is it original formula, or the new Marine formula?

But I really doubt it it the stabil.
More likely bad fuel, too much ethanol, and moisture.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 27, 2006
Re: Too much stabil???

Im sure is the 8oz bottle, i have to check when i get back to my house. I think i read somewhere on the bottle that it doesnt harm to go over the dozage. I just know im emptying that tank today!!

capt sam

Master Chief Petty Officer
Jan 14, 2009
Re: Too much stabil???

either water is being introduced somehow or the E-10 is seperating due to age. Regardless of what some people think on this board E-10 issues here in south Florida are very real, if you are going to run E-10 in your boat then you need to run the boat often.


Sep 9, 2007
Re: Too much stabil???

Quit screwing around with additives and siphon the tank empty, save the contents to run in you lawn mower or your old beater car or field runner.
If your tank was leaking you would be smelling gas, water got in there somehow, maybe through the vent if it was stored outside for the winter, reguardless the water is probably separating to the bottom of the tank over time, then sloshing around and getting mixed up and ingested into the fuel system. Drain the tank and start fresh.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Apr 28, 2008
Re: Too much stabil???

I put in 1oz of marine stabil for every 5 gallons of gas. I've been doing that for 2 years now and my gas is nice and clean in the bowl. Anyone that is thinking they don't need to worry about e10 gas doesn't read the forums very often. The problem is real but easily avoided.

Your problem sounds like water to me.


Supreme Mariner
Nov 20, 2001
Re: Too much stabil???

Alcohol turns white when mixed with water.

I had he same thing happen to me the beginning of last year. Ran over 150 gallon of fuel thru it the first week it came off winter lay over. The start of week two, bam. Dead in the water. Separator full of ?milk?.

Had Stabil Marine and Startron in the tank so don't let anyone tell you it prevents alcohol related fuel problem because that's just plain BS. You get in excess of 0.05% water in a tank of E-10 fuel and it's going to separate no matter what you put in the tank.

Drained the separator a couple of times and was able to limp back to the dock. Pulled sending unit and siphoned about a gallon of water off the bottom of a 92-gallon tank. I had never had a problem with water before or since.
The only thing I could figure is that I put about 50 gallons of new fuel in the tank on the way to the ramp that morning. The service station must have had water in their fuel.


May 23, 2010
Re: Too much stabil???

Alcohol turns white when mixed with water.

I had he same thing happen to me the beginning of last year. Ran over 150 gallon of fuel thru it the first week it came off winter lay over. The start of week two, bam. Dead in the water. Separator full of ?milk?.

Had Stabil Marine and Startron in the tank so don't let anyone tell you it prevents alcohol related fuel problem because that's just plain BS. You get in excess of 0.05% water in a tank of E-10 fuel and it's going to separate no matter what you put in the tank.

Drained the separator a couple of times and was able to limp back to the dock. Pulled sending unit and siphoned about a gallon of water off the bottom of a 92-gallon tank. I had never had a problem with water before or since.
The only thing I could figure is that I put about 50 gallons of new fuel in the tank on the way to the ramp that morning. The service station must have had water in their fuel.
Actually the figure is 0.5% of water AND the temperature is a factor- phase separation begins at about 78-80degrees fahreheit. Ed.