What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

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May 4, 2008
Maybe this will lead to an answer, to that age old question.

No big surprises, but interesting none the less.


Press Release 08-199
Bullies May Enjoy Seeing Others in Pain
November 7, 2008

Brain scans of young, aggressive bullies suggest they may actually enjoy seeing others in pain, according to a new University of Chicago study.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scans of eight 16- to 18-year-old boys with aggressive conduct disorder and eight matched adolescents without conduct disorder led researchers to this new hypothesis. The study showed increased activity in an area of the brain associated with rewards when the aggressive boys watched a video clip of someone inflicting pain on another person. The control group did not have the same response.

The results are reported in the current issue of the journal Biological Psychology. The National Science Foundation supported the work.

"This is the first time that fMRI scans have been used to study situations that could otherwise provoke empathy," said lead researcher Jean Decety, professor in psychology and psychiatry at the University of Chicago.

Decety and his colleagues released a study earlier this year in which fMRI scans showed 7- to 12-year-olds are naturally empathetic toward people in pain. The new research showed that this natural empathetic impulse may be disrupted in ways that increase aggression in some young people who are prone to bullying and other aggressive behaviors.

"Aggressive adolescents showed a specific and very strong activation of the amygdala and ventral striatum (an area that responds to feeling rewarded) when watching pain inflicted on others, which suggested that they enjoyed watching pain," Decety said. The youth were shown video clips in which people suffered pain accidentally, such as when a heavy bowl unintentionally was dropped on their hands, and intentionally, such as when a person stepped on another's foot.

Researchers expected the test subjects to be emotionally cold to the events, but instead they registered a high level of arousal. More research is needed to determine whether the reactions indicated enjoyment at seeing others in pain.

"This work will help us better understand ways to work with juveniles inclined to aggression and violence," Decety said. Researchers anticipate the study will help identify strategies for dealing with young people who are at risk of growing up to be antisocial or even psychopathic.

Although researchers point out more research is needed to begin developing strategies, they have some initial ideas regarding where to look for solutions. Benjamin Lahey, professor of epidemiology and psychiatry at the University of Chicago, who co-authored the paper with Decety, says finding ways to help these at risk youngsters self-regulate their emotions might be one place to start. But he acknowledges past difficulties with the approach.

A system of non-punitive punishments for aggressive behavior and rewards for non-aggressive behavior may be another approach. "The possible difficulty in this approach is the need to find ways that compensate for the fact that aggression might be self-reinforcing in these aggressive youths," said Lahey. "But at this point we don't have enough information to draw strong conclusions. Implications for treatment largely will depend on what we find in our next study."

Decety's and Lahey's work was assisted by University of Chicago students Kalina Michaslska and Yuko Akitsuki.



Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

my opinion, is it goes back to parents when the kid is 2 years old. spank, correct???? NEVER. bunk!!!


May 4, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I got my share of them. :rolleyes:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

me too, my kids had a few, but learn there was an alternative. BEHAVING!!!!


May 4, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

Exactly! and that included the times when nobody was looking!


Sep 30, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I can count on one hand the number of times I have corrected my 2 year old with hitting. The last time was when he was trying to stick things in an outlet. I corrected him repeatedly without hitting but because I felt this was an extremely dangerous behavior I had to slap his hand. I hate hitting and don't want him to learn to hit but I must admit that in this case it was very effective at getting through to him.

The next week there was an open house at his daycare and one of the kids was pushing my son down the slide because he didn't want to wait for my son to sit down on the slide. That kids father grabbed him in an overly firm way that just showed through that if they were behind closed doors that this kid would have definately been beaten. All I could think of was that this kid at 2 years of age has allready learned to push and hit (without hesitation I might add), and I hope the few times that I have raised a hand to my son haven't done simaler damage. I have no idea how to unlearn a child so lets not teach them bad habitsat such a young age.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

imho, spanking not beating never hurt a kid. it gets their attention, that repeating the behavior, is unpleasant. being firm, and setting rules, and being consistent with the rules is what makes good kids. small kids are just like dogs, they like structure, and rules, then they feel safe, and confident. also both parents have to reinforce each other, or you create total mayhem, and the kids have no idea what to do. yelling gets you no where.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 22, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I've NEVER spanked or hit my daughter! No need to. (My voice could scare the crap out of Sgt. Hartman) One of my parents used to beat me for practice, and ya know what? Backfired. made me a nasty little so and so. your child should never view your hands as something that hurts. they WILL rebel, they WILL resent. You can't be a best friend, You Don't need to be a monster in their eyes. If you have any hopes of good relationships with your kids, trust me!


Chief Petty Officer
Aug 8, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I Guss I am very lucky I never ever had to hit my son he is 13 years old now THANK GOD however my dad did:mad:hit me ones and I did not like it


Sep 30, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I could go on for hours (or pages as the case may be) about disciplining kids, and will if that is where this thread leads but I thought I would make at least one post that is on topic here.

I think there are 2 types of people that swamp other peoples boats.

1) Those that don't know any better. You know like the person who drives 55 in the passing lane with 10 cars stacked up behind them.

2)Jerks. People who either know better but just don't care because swamping your boat doesn't effect them or in extreme cases people like in the original post here that do it on purpose because they think it is fun.

ok back off topic:
I agree with you TD. Structured hitting gets attention. It's important not to seem angry when you hit or the children will learn that hitting is a result of being angry. Instead they need to know that they have done something wrong and now you are responding to there negative actions. They need to know that they are actually in control of this situation. It sounds so simple when I post this here but in practice I am not sure if I am helping things or screwing up my kids ANY time I hit. For this reason I am not good at the consistancy thing. When in doubt I don't hit unless I feel that there is a danger like with the electrical outlet.


Oct 6, 2007
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

Man, they got a study for everything.
I want my grant so I can go study the effects of crustaceans in relationship to cloud formations (or lack thereof).


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

i totally agree with, and getting over the anger before discipline. actually if in front of siblings, a swap embarrasses them more than hurts.


May 4, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

Man, they got a study for everything.
I want my grant so I can go study the effects of crustaceans in relationship to cloud formations (or lack thereof).

Would you like the grant link. They are really hard to get, but they are there.

It is what keeps America, at, or near the top in the worlds competition for new and emerging technologies. If we snooze, we lose.

My cousin works on a grant, right now in Alaska, studying and recording disappearing world languages. Some kind of connection to culture and cryptology. :rolleyes:


Oct 6, 2007
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I was being facetious. It was merely a happy thought.
If I were serious, It would probably be more practical to do it on a State level.
I'd have to write up a proposal and bug the politicians.
I bug some them enough now!


May 4, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I was being facetious. It was merely a happy thought.
If I were serious, It would probably be more practical to do it on a State level.
I'd have to write up a proposal and bug the politicians.
I bug some them enough now!

Hey when you read through the grant request, sometimes the crazy & weirder they sound, the better chance they seem to have.

The grant proposal is the part that, uh, well, you complete the sentence.


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Sep 4, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I read this while in college and it has stuck with me all these years:

It's Easier To Build Strong Children Than to Repair Broken Men - Fredrick Douglas


Sep 30, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

I read this while in college and it has stuck with me all these years:

It's Easier To Build Strong Children Than to Repair Broken Men - Fredrick Douglas

That's much more eloquent than me saying I don't know how to unlearn a child.
I like it a lot:cool:.

Frank Acampora

Supreme Mariner
Jan 19, 2007
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

Bullies might enjoy watching pain? WELL DUH! They needed a study to come up with that conclusion? When you are the smallest male in your school, relatively weak, and non aggressive, you learn that as a fact really quickly! Don't need no million dollar study to come up with that conclusion.

As an additional thought, it appears that physical aggression is passed down from parents to children. For example, My mother always lost control and hit or threw things--whatever happened to be in her hand at the time. Turns out, I learned later that her father was exactly the same.


Sep 30, 2008
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

... it appears that physical aggression is passed down from parents to children....

Yes but is this learned behavior, inherited behavior, or a little of both???


Rear Admiral
Aug 29, 2001
Re: What kind of people swamp other peoples boats on purpose?

Nature's way of compensating for lack of brains...they (parents) are genetically programmed to pass SOMETHING along. Only sphincters swamp another's boat for fun...course if you carry a coach gun, you won't have to worry about that.
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