Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

May 7, 2008
My quick question is; Does anyone, preferably with the same engine and sterndrive, have experience with the exhaust tube? Good? Bad? Pros and Cons?

Here is my situation;

My engine is a 2001 5.0L MerCruiser with an Alpha I Gen II Sterndrive. A freind and I recently replaced the gimbal bearing, u-joint bellows and exhaust bellows. The exhaust bellows was like torture to reattach to the bell housing, but we got it all the way on the flange with the bellows adhesive and then tightened up the hose clamp. After taking it out 3 times we noticed that the exhaust bellows was slipping off from the bell housing.

We removed it from the bell housing side and cleaned all surfaces with laquer thinner. Then we replaced the thin inadequate looking hose clamp that came with the bellows and got the same type that was used for the original exhaust bellows. Using a heat gun we warmed up the bellows and stretched it out good, making sure not pull the other end from the transom side. After some considerable stretching we heated up the end and put some bellows adhesive on the flange and the bellows and reattached it. Tightend up the hose clamp real good and it was back on looking great.

After a day of letting the boat sit in the yard we took it out 3 days in a row and checked the exhaust hose and it looked good. After sitting in the yard for 4 days, with the sterndrive trimmed up in trailer position, I noticed last night that the exhaust bellows had detached itself.

At this point we are contemplating removing the bellows completely and stretching this thing as far as it will go and holding it there with clamps for a few days or even a week. Out of the package this bellows is real compact and doesn't want to stay stretched. I even talked with a local mercruiser mechanic and he said that the clamp that comes with it is not good enough, and it's tough to get the bellows to stay attached.

My questions:
Has anyone had this problem before?
Anyone have any suggestions for getting this thing to stay attached?

At this point I'm considering an Exhaust tube, like this one http://www.iboats.com/Mallory_Tube_...st tube--**********.861905228--view_id.364109

Is there a danger that the water will rush back into the exhaust manifold, when going from a plane to sudden stop, and cause problems if I use this tube?


Staff member
Apr 17, 2002
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

Anyone have any suggestions for getting this thing to stay attached?

Ayuh,........ Quit leaving the outdrive in the Full Up position.......

There's little or No downside to the exhaust Tube, or even just leaving the bellows off the gimbeled side......


Petty Officer 2nd Class
Mar 25, 2008
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

i know it maybe wrong but i leave mine up and i havent had mine slip off, and i just but it on, are you sure it was all the way up, and your clamp was in the middle.


Supreme Mariner
May 7, 2008
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

Use the smooth hose.It will work. It won't let water to back in the motor.
In the exhaust just after the risers you should have a flapper to stop the water.Jerry

Don S

Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Aug 31, 2004
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

There's little or No downside to the exhaust Tube, or even just leaving the bellows off the gimbeled side......

I have to take exception.
The reason for the bellows or the tube is to direct most of the exhaust thru the drive and out the prop. If the exhaust comes out before the drive, it goes around the drive and introduces bubbles into the prop stream (aka cavitation).
Then there is the thing of raising the drive up and beaching the boat. You then have the exhaust tube open to waves from passing boats. Since the boat is usually leaned over one side or the other, that makes it real easy for water to get into the cylinders. Working exhaust shutters (aka flappers) or not.
With the bellows, you have the drive up, the exhaust passage blocked and waves can't push up the exhaust
May 7, 2008
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

I don't beach my boat so I'm not as concerned about that, but I do see your point about the waves pushing water up the manifold. I have read that the shutters will slow down the water and help prevent a large amount getting past, but they don't make a seal to completely stop the water. This is what I'm most concerned about.

I trailer my boat, so every time I pull it out of the water I trailer trim it in order to avoid it hitting anything on the way home or when I'm backing it up to store it along side my garage. Is it bad to store it fully up in the trailer position? I don't think putting it back down when it's parked is a good idea because I or one of my buddies might forget to put it back down when it's taken to the lake again. Isn't that the purpose of the trailer button?

If the exhaust comes out before the drive, it goes around the drive and introduces bubbles into the prop stream (aka cavitation).
I certainly don't want to negatively impact the performance of the boat. Would it cause cavitation?


Petty Officer 1st Class
Jun 23, 2007
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

Hey NotEnough
Next time you take out your boat after you get home let the drive down and watch how much water comes out, the trailer switch is for haulin, launchin and retrievin your boat as for forgettin to put the drive up just do a little walk around before you leave, walk around your setup and make sure no ones tied a suitcase full of money to your outdrive or somethin, that ll also make you check your straps an stuff.


Chief Petty Officer
Oct 25, 2007
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

I used to have a bellow and stored it in the up position all the time. Origional at 18 years old. Only reason I didnt put it all the way down was it would hit the ground. The boat sat VERY low in the trailer so low that even with the trailer tilted max down in front, I still couldnt put it down. i've switched to a tube and all has been good so far.


Lieutenant Commander
May 28, 2007
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

I switched to a tube and won't go back

much easier to replace, and worth a slight increase in horsepower.
May 7, 2008
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

Thanks for all the feedback.

I decided to switch to the tube. I installed it this weekend and took the boat out. Doesn't seem to be much difference in the sound of the exhaust unless the boat is making a sharp turn or your behind the boat on a wakeboard. Even then it's not that much louder.

Also before I left for the lake I walked around my boat to inspect the trailer and straps and I found a suitcase full of money tied to my outdrive. ;)


Mar 29, 2008
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

Thanks for all the feedback.

Also before I left for the lake I walked around my boat to inspect the trailer and straps and I found a suitcase full of money tied to my outdrive. ;)

Well keep a hold of it, as I am sure you know, you will need it for the maintenance on the boat. :D


Jun 6, 2007
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

I switched to a tube and won't go back

much easier to replace, and worth a slight increase in horsepower.

I don't think it makes much difference in HP, but at least you can hear the sound of the engine on plane, and it sure makes things more simple!


Chief Petty Officer
Jun 13, 2008
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

with an alpha one gen 2 how bad would it be just to take the bellows off?, i dont beach the boat, just back up to the beach about 10 or 15ft off shore. can you see the flappers when you take the bellows off to make sure they are working right????


Jun 6, 2007
Re: Exhaust Bellows vs Exhaust Tube

I'd want a little bit of assurance of protection from the exhaust tube over nothing at all, but that's just me. It's not that hard to do or expensive.