will never complain about my kids again

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Apr 10, 2004
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Different strokes...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: will never complain about my kids again

problem is what happens when they breed
Maybe, just maybe, they messed that up with a ring in a seriously wrong place . . . in fact, if they had any guts, they'd try it :eek:

Hoss the Hermit

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 7, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Maybe, just maybe, they messed that up with a ring in a seriously wrong place . . . in fact, if they had any guts, they'd try it :eek:

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Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Nov 11, 2005
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Hoss, you are out of line. if he really is you son, you have my condolences. we thought you were kidding. and i will edit the picture out.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again

im sorry, i wont hire a person with a ring thru his nose! and dont know of anyone that does!

The whole thing about tongue piercings and other piercings (even though I don't approve of that myself) besides the ear. The rings or whatever can be removed and the employer would never know that the person would even have a piercing. What are ya going to do ask on the application if they have piercings or not?

As for the piercing I had my ear pierced a few years back, I only wore an ear ring for a little while. Amazing the stupid stuff that happens when your drunk. I have a couple tattoos, besides getting one improved I don't plan on having any more drawn on me, I would never have my whole body covered in them. I might have had companies judge me by my tattoos but most of the time I have covered the one tattoo up with long sleeves. It might be considered false advertisement :D.

As for the face implants I can't see how or why in the world anybody would have that done. I could just picture the mother showing an older picture of her son, saying "this is my baby", then they meet up with the son later on, and the mother goes to introduce the son. :rolleyes: We shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but some of those covers are getting pretty ugly now a days aint they?

I seen a guy the other day that had a mow hawk, he was in a retail store and drawed quiet a bit of attention of course. That's what allot of this is about drawing attention to themselves.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: will never complain about my kids again

No personal offense intended Hoss, just funnin' like I assumed that you were. Merry Christmas. And for what it's worth, I loved those little dresses . . . :eek:


Jul 27, 2004
Re: will never complain about my kids again

I've had a pierced ear for over 24 years. Just one simple silver ring is all that has ever been in there. I have a couple of tattoos too, but not on the face. Neither the ear ring or the tats have ever disqualified me from employment. It is now the 21st century after all.

I did have a mohawk for a while when I was 19, and that did impede the employment opportunities for sure, but was easily remedied with scissors and a razor when I was done having fun.

I don't get the super extreme body modification either, but you really can't judge a book by its cover. There are some really smart people out there with tats and piercings, and just because someone wears a military uniform or looks super straight, that doesn't mean that they are necessarily smarter, wiser, kinder or more useful than the guy with the goofy noserings and what not. There are plenty of worthless wastes of oxygen in all walks of life, uniformed service included, and they aren't always easy to identify from a distance.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again

You guys have it all wrong! These are VICTIMS... victims of horrible industrial accidents. Half of them obviously got mangled up in some kind of heavy machinery, and that guy in the middle obviously got sucked through a printing press. Poor guys. :D

I wouldn't worry too much about them breeding, these are really just a bunch of guys who are bored because they will never get laid, or have meaningful jobs that will contribute anything to society. Eventually the unlucky ones will become homeless, and shortly thereafter they'll be dead because they never picked up any skills with which to keep themselves alive. The lucky ones will end up in prison.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Ha! Those guys think they are hip and cool just because they got a few little tiny pieces of metal stuck in their body and a few needle marks. Well I got them all beat. I got a couple of 3" screws stuck through my body, and some wicked Scarification. No kidding! I'm proud! I'm cool! Wanna see em?

Well you can't really see the screws too well because their sorta holding a few bones together inside, and none of it really shows too well unless you look at the X-ray..... And the Scarification is just really from where they re-attached various pieces of me "Frankenstein" style and it still shows.

Hey, but I still got 'em and that makes me hip. I'm down with it! I'm one cooool dude, I'm one hot tamale, right?....... Right? :D

External Combustion

Chief Petty Officer
Aug 21, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again


Because the customers are uncomfortable with tats and piercings, those that have them will look further for jobs.

I wanted to make a statement when I was younger and I have paid the price. All of us need to decide if it is worth the price.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Look mom I can stick a coca cola can through my ear :D.

Mark42, I hear ya, I got my battle scars to from the past surgeries, including one big one over my heart where I had a growshunt (I believe that's how ya spell it:rolleyes:) in me for a while. Plus I have screws and plates in me as well. I guess I got it going on to especially with a couple of tats :D.


Sep 11, 2001
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Why an MT coke light? A full 24 ouncer would show me he was serious.


Vice Admiral
Mar 30, 2005
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Main stream social mis-fits. That said I'm sure they fit some where..............more precisely where the want to. Defiantly Not main stream America though.


Lieutenant Commander
Jul 14, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Don't mean to hog the thread. We must consider that some of the tribes in lets say Africa and other areas do these type of piercings, tattoos, and more and they have been doing them for 100s of years. There is also a tribe where the ladies insert rings around their necks to lengthen their necks as they get older. I'm not sure that they practice implanting things into their body though like the dude in the 4th picture over.


Re: will never complain about my kids again

TSA would have a field day with them.


Lieutenant Commander
Nov 19, 2007
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Don't mean to hog the thread. We must consider that some of the tribes in lets say Africa and other areas do these type of piercings, tattoos, and more and they have been doing them for 100s of years. There is also a tribe where the ladies insert rings around their necks to lengthen their necks as the get older. I'm not sure that they practice implanting things into their body though like the dude in the 4th picture over.

And although I havn't seen any of them around the workplace either, they have a lot better chance of being hired than these kids. Although to be fair, the guy with the tats could probably get a construction job no problem... tats don't interfere with work like piercings do.


Jun 30, 2004
Re: will never complain about my kids again

and i thought long hair was anti establishment..... man was i wrong....:rolleyes:


Feb 1, 2005
Re: will never complain about my kids again

Many of the hard core biker folks have a PHD.


There might be one or two in the million or so. Most hard core bikers have little or no formal education.

One of our graduates last year was going for an interview and I told him he better take all his earings out of his one ear.

The guy interviewing the kid phones me up laughing. I got a voicemail message :
"What did you tell this kid to do, he's bleeding all over my office"

He apparently did the whole interview with paper towels held to his ear. He got the job. He's been working there a year now.
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