Someone turned me in (updated)

Vlad D Impeller

Mar 30, 2005
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

I agree you ought to be whipped, but for not having a beer. :D


Jun 16, 2004
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

"Please remove junk unlicensed vehicle or cover to the ground with a cover".

Get some of the cheapest, ugliest tarps you can find and cover everthing all the way to the ground. That will get their attention.


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 11, 2007
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

LOL LOL very good ZmOz.

I had a nasty neighbor who hasseled me fer a few years, doin' all sorts of irritating stuff, n' we were *** fer tat never actualy causin' real trouble for either party.

Finally, two of my very small kids, (I would put on the kids bike helmets) next to his yard, n' the two small kids, (five years old) after gettin' their helmets on ran up on his lawn and he did not know I was standing behind the bushes getting helmets on my other kids.

He came running out of his front poarch YELLING: I'M CALLING THE COPS ON YOU!! Acting real tough n' mean, (my son is deaf, n' my step son could hear him yell). He chased the boys towards me yard n' I stepped out right in his face, (bein' carefull not to step off the public sidewalk) n' got about a 1/2 inch off his nose n' said: "yer a real tough guy when ya scare little kids, care to take it up with me?" He sized me up n' could see I was serious and I then told him, (he was a pipe smoker with very brown teeth), that his "tooth brush wasn't makin' it".

One of my buddies told me to pick a true personal aspect to hurl an insult ya want to stick for a very long time, (as the other person knows they have that trait). We did not come to blows, and he had to slink back to his house and we never had confrontations again. JR

LMAO at both!:D
I'm a live and let live type of person , UNTILL you deliberately antagonize me , OR , decide you need to mind MY business for me .
Yank my chain and you will find it is very short .

The neighborhood busybodies learned to find someone else's business to mind , after a few rounds with me .
Being the evil creative SOB that I am , I can visit grief beyond imagination upon anyone foolish/stupid enough to trifle with me .

I once had a nieghbor that made OldMercs neighbor look "laid back" .
This goon was beyond all reason with his complaining .
He had a very nice house with an IMMACULATE lawn , a pretty white picket fence surounding the whole affair.
He would run into the street , yelling at people to slow down , even if they were going BELOW the posted limit , and ,called the cops at least a dozen times a day .
I had a birds-eye view of his antics , and , was close enough to hear every word .

If anyone was walking by his house on the sidewalk , he would threaten them with prosecution "if you put so much as a toe on my grass!" .

Of course , he went absolutely insane every 4th of July , having Poloroid cameras ready , along with a video camera , to provide the cops with "evidence" if he saw ANYONE lighting fireworks .

The final straw for me was when he SCREAMED at this neighborhood kid , frightening the boy to TEARS !

I covered the 100 yards downhill at a blistering speed , and , stopped beside the kid . I told the kid he was ok ,walking him back to his house as I was greeted by a dozen , HIGHLY PO'd relatives .
The mother and 2 aunts walked the child home , while I accompanied the father , 1 aunt , 5 uncles ,and , 3 older brothers , back to Hitlers Lair .
Hitler had run for cover when he saw me approach the first time , but ,had decided the coast was clear when I took the kid back toward home .

Fortunately for Hitler , the cops arrived in time to defuse our lynch mob , and , took Hitler into custody for questioning .
No charges were filed , and , the looney kept a very low profile for all of a month .

After a month , he was back to his old self , forgetting that I was watching him .
Remember his behaviour in reaction to fireworks?
The incident with the boy happened at the end of May....

About the end of June I began my campaign .
I called the local zoning board to complain about the number of signs on his property .
He had NO TRESPASSING signs on his fence about every 6' .
He was ordered to take them down , which , he ignored , and , got a sizable fine !
He took them down , finally , so "someone" put up MORE signs on his behalf !
Another complaint was filed , and , another fine was issued .
Hitler removed these new signs .

Somehow , "someone" painted "no trespassing" every 4' on his nice white picket fence , in bright red .
Fine paid after a STEARN speech from the judge (friend of mine , as was the local zoning enfocement guy ..).

In the mean time , "someone " ;) infiltrated his garage and "enhanced" his bags of fertilizer with Spike (kills everything,especially trees and woody plants...).
"Someone" also charged his sprinkler system with Round-up concentrate .
His vinyl siding began to melt and sag(large concave mirrors are FUN !).

Then came the "phantom cows" !
It seems "someone" also had a friend who raised cattle .
This "someone" managed to aquire several 5 gallon buckets of fresh cow manure .
This same "someone" fertillized Hitler's lawn while he slept .
Hitler awoke to find a veritable minefield of fresh "pies" ,scattered about his lawn .:eek:

Hitler finally managed to have a detective show up , and , a fruitless search for the renegade bovines ensued , TURNING UP NOT SO MUCH AS A SINGLE HOOF PRINT !:D

"Someones" room mates were musicians , so they had a HUGE stack of amps that would play cattle mooing , at INSANE volumes , at random times ,through out the wee hours of the morning , enticing Hitler to grab a flashlight , phone , and , a camera , in a vain attempt to record the "stampede" .

By this time , his lawn was turning brown , his trees were wilting HORRIBLY , and ,it was the weekend of the 4th .

His credibillty with the cops being long gone , along with the final shreds of his sanity , ( as Hitler had not slept in almost a week ) , the neighborhood released it's long smoldering HATRED upon this wretched fool .
A sustained assault of every firework imaginable was launched in his direction .

Hitler had a camera in 1 hand , a phone in the other ,and was spinning like a dervish in a vain attempt to record the asault , while , on HOLD with 911 .:D

The cops somehow never showed .;)

Hitler finally passed out in his yard , only to awaken in a room with padded walls , where he spent many days heavily medicated .

His house went up for sale immediately after this , and , was sold within a week.
This despite the brown yard , melted siding , and , dead trees and shrubs .
To my knowledge , Hitler never showed his face in this area , ever again .


Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

...and they all lived happily ever after. The End.


Lieutenant Commander
Jun 23, 2006
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

UGGGGG.....I HATE THOSE DAMN blue tarps this neck of the woods Jim.
Look worse than the junk underneath!
Aint NOTHING blue here in winter..all green and brown and gray.
Harbor Frieght sells all sizes in those colors. Brown and green a step up in duribilty, and the silver is for years. Silver is all I use. (I'm a high class Redneck!)
But the blue ones are so much more durable. Our silver one is getting killed by the sun after about a year, and it is in shade much of the day. On the other hand, we have had a garden tiller wrapped in a blue one (yes, I'd say we are redneck too) for a couple of years, often in more sun than the silver. Luckily, we have an acre and a half, and it is all wooded, so nothing can be seen from the street, or else we would be in deep dog $h!t with all the stuff we store, and the higher class neighborhood we live in. And yes, we do have the car on blocks from time to time, covered by the blue tarp of course. (We part out cars we can get for next to nothing)


Petty Officer 1st Class
May 11, 2007
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

...and they all lived happily ever after. The End.

Not really .
The domestic Gestapo are everywhere , and , growing in number every day .
If you will not take the fight to their doorstep , you are just another victim , waiting for your turn .

These type of people are the most deserving of marks , and , deserving of all the misfortune and bad karma they recieve .
They DID go looking for some business to mind , after all .
Why NOT indulge their fantasies ?

Or , maybe you enjoy being at the mercy of your neighborhood Stazi ...


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Wow, the manure would not work on my lawn. It is already brown.

My relatives got hit with the same type of letter. They could have a maximum of two cars for every driver. They had 7 drivers then and had to get rid of a few vehicles

Where I liove now, our whole villiage got a letter warning us that all vehicles that were parked on any property had to be licensed or you would be fined. In the same letter they mentioned that the maximum height of the grass could be no more than like 8".

Last year the villiage council had a meeting for all members to come with a list of new laws they would like to see. What the heck was that? Were they bored? I guess their job is to see how much they can limit freedom

One of the new laws they suggested was to limit the number of pets to 3. I currently have 4 cats (even though I put my foot down at three you sure can tell how pull I have in my family. Heck, I even had to go pick up #4). Luckily they voted that one down.

One more,

In a town that will not be named (well ok Madison). They tried to get the city to condem a perfectly good building owned by a bridge club so that a private party could build a huge condo building with stores, because the bridge club did not want to sell. It was a close fight, with the bridge club narrowly winning.

This definitely crosses political boundaries. Even though Madison is as liberal as you can get, the comdemnation attempt was by conservatives. When they announced the project, they had the liberal mayor at the announcement.


Jul 27, 2004
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

When I lived in portland years ago, some dips*&t down at city hall got the bright idea to tax all the cats in town. They literally went door to door taking a cat census and then sending out bills for your cat license. My dunderhead roommate went ahead and filled them in on all the cats when they came to my door, I think we had four at the time.

But the best part was when they taxed someone's stuffed animal. The folks told the cat taxer that they had no pets that could be taxed, but he saw a stuffed dog sitting on the couch in their living room through the window and so he wrote them up a bill for it after he left, thinking they were jsut lying to him. Boy did that one hit the papers hard!

I don't think the cat tax lasted too many more years after that one.


May 17, 2001
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

In a town that will not be named (well ok Madison). .

Hmmmm, must be a Madison thing,,,,that's the name of my township......


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

When I lived in portland years ago, some dips*&t down at city hall got the bright idea to tax all the cats in town. They literally went door to door taking a cat census and then sending out bills for your cat license. My dunderhead roommate went ahead and filled them in on all the cats when they came to my door, I think we had four at the time.

But the best part was when they taxed someone's stuffed animal. The folks told the cat taxer that they had no pets that could be taxed, but he saw a stuffed dog sitting on the couch in their living room through the window and so he wrote them up a bill for it after he left, thinking they were jsut lying to him. Boy did that one hit the papers hard!

I don't think the cat tax lasted too many more years after that one.

In the infamous words of Haut, Smite the tax and spend Portland liberals. They want to spend your money on every social program they can dream up, they want to build all the rapid transit, they want to build skyways to OSHU, but they cannot afford to maintain the bridges that are the source of their existance.:mad:


Jul 27, 2004
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

yeah, I really like light rail and think that is a good thing to spend dough on, but some of the other stuff is just crazy and the county income tax is a horror. I wish I had held onto my portland house a few more years for the massive value gain, but the tax increase probably would have killed me.

And the willamette bridges are sadly neglected, and are not only necessary but a part of portland's identity.

I sure wish Vancouver would pull its head out of its you know where, though, and get on with cooperating with new interstate bridges. Either that or keep their citizens on their side of the river and stop clogging up the two inadequate bridges that are there. That traffic these days is an abomination. Back in the old days (late 80's early 90's) if you had a traffic jam on I5 it meant there was an accident. Now it just means it's a weekday.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

...but the tax increase probably would have killed me.

Like I said, they get tons of money but never spend it on the right stuff. As for Vancouver, it's not them holding up the new bridge. It's the socialists in Portland who want to get you out of your independent means of transportation. ODOT is sitting on billions of tax dollars and will not spend a dime to build a new mile of roadway. For recent history, look at the Hwy 99 bypass, around Dundee. Hwy 99W is the second most traveled road in the State of Oregon. It is totally clogged by two lanes and a stop light in Dundee. They got an Australian investor to finance a toll road bypass and now want to toll the old highway 99 as well. These people are sick and should be flogged.

Looking back to I-205. How long was it that Washington had their part built to the river before Oregon completed their part?


Jul 16, 2006
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

I honestly think that those who chose to get onto city counsels and the like are all busy bodies with really nothing better to do than to find things to complain about and/or control. They are the people that have an aneurysm when they get the first scratch on the new car because they have nothing important enough in their lives to keep them busy enough to not worry about all the little trivial things that really just don't matter in the big picture.


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Jul 19, 2002
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

LOL Woodrat.

Here you have to license your cats and dogs. Then they automatically bill you every year for the license. It is your fault if you don't inform them that your pet has died.

There are some good and some bad people on our council. One good guy has come up with some creative plans to fund things like a computer system for the library so we can borrow books and materials from all of South Central Wisconsin and they are delivered to our library which is tiny. He also found a way to fund the new Paramedic truck in the same year while staying under the 3% increase cap


May 17, 2001
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

I'm thinking it is all about the money. This township community was once the place a person wanted to move his family to. We HAD a few decent stores but they are all gone now. All that is left is the typical fast food joints. The roads have gone to crap except for the state routes that pass through. There is a big project going on now building a bridge over some railroad tracks. That seems to be sucking up the budget for other repairs. Then there is the houses that are empty and for sale. Lots of familys have moved out and nobody seems to be moving in except for our buds from across our southern border.

This is the same inspector that told me I had to get registered to change light bulbs in a road sign. He maybe picking on me since I refused to get registered. I'm not going to and don't legally have to. Because I have my own personal bucket truck, they don't like it and don't like seeing it on my property. BTW, my property is zoned as a light business area.

I honestly can't say for sure if it was Mr GM across the street. I know he is a busybody and has his nose in peoples business. Wonder if I could complain about the asbestos shingle siding on his house. It hasn't been painted for years and could be a health issue. But since he is known to the council, I doubt if they would make him do anything about it.

Hopefully they will call me today and let me know the specifics of what they wanted. I can understand if I had bags of garbage that would draw in wildlife and unwanted critters. All my other stuff besides my boats/cars is steel. They might call it scrap, but it is building materials to me. I moved all that stuff behind the house so it is completely out of sight.

My house in the front looks a bit bad due to I haven't got all my front windows changed yet. The ones I have in now are not trimmed in yet. Once the other 5 are in, then I will trim them out. As far as I know there isn't a code about it being a requirement to have trim around your windows. Probably if I would wait long enough they would come up with one.

Got to go to work, I'll let you know what is up when they call me. Good Day to all,,,,,,,,,,,,Thanks......SS


May 17, 2001
Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

Re: Someone turned me in (aaaargh)

I can't believe it. It was "just the race car" that they were complaining about. The inspector said if it was on a registered trailer, there wouldn't have been any problem. Geeesh, just doesn't make sense to me.

As for all my boats, they don't have any regulations for them. (yet) Yep,,,,,,just give them time.

Bass Man Bruce

Jul 9, 2004
Re: Someone turned me in (updated)

All that work and it was just the race car? You better go have that beer! :)

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: Someone turned me in (updated)

I would put an ticket booth and charge admission.Call it an museum of transportation.


Dec 29, 2002
Re: Someone turned me in (updated)

WOW!! Some of the things you guys will do to retaliate a nosy neighbor. Glad I don't live near your neighbors or any of you guys. We don't play those childish games out here in the sticks of Pa..


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Someone turned me in (updated)

Does you yard look better to you? If so it's a win win situation.