Terrorists strike close to my home.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Fort Dix is a couple hours south of me, but this is too close for comfort....

"FORT DIX, N.J. - Six foreign-born Muslims were arrested and accused Tuesday of plotting to attack Fort Dix and slaughter scores of U.S. soldiers ? a scheme the FBI says was foiled when the men asked a store clerk to copy a video of them firing assault weapons and screaming about jihad.

The defendants, all men in their 20s from the former Yugoslavia and the Middle East, include a pizza deliveryman suspected of using his job to scout out the military base.

Their goal was "to kill as many American soldiers as possible" with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and guns, prosecutors said."

Read the whole story here:


Its just going to get worse. Thank God that store clerk called authorities when he saw what was on their video.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

But Mark, there are no 'terrorists', there are only law breakers. Nancy Pelosi, et al, told me so. And they care sooooooooo much. They wouldn't lie to me. And besides, if George Bush would just let them alone and be more understanding of them, maybe they would leave us alone and quit blowing up their own women and chirdren.

Let's just keep sticking our heads in the sand like the Party of, well you know who, is doing and it will all just go away. You know, kinda like a bad dream.

God forbid that it would take one successful attack like that to shut up Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Ted Kennedy.


Vice Admiral
Feb 24, 2002
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

This sounds like some really smart guys.It is beyond my comprehension how anybody who entertains thoughts of attacking an army base will go to the local grocery store to have a video ,detailing their plans, copied.
These are not the terrorists we have to worry about.The ones we do have to worry about,we will probably only know about after it is too late.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

I think I am with Rolmops. Doesn't sound like charter members of the bright bulb club.


Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

If you guys are not too worried about these morons, how about their friends that learn from their mistakes.

Believe me, if enough of these type people try to kill as many Americans as possable, sooner or later they will succeed. In spite of their stupidity.

And that doesn't bother you?


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.


Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled they were captured and hopefully do go to civilian prisons, where hopefully brothers, friends of American soldiers can enlighten them on the finer points of the American prison system. Start with the shower room.

I just don't think that they are providing any valuable information to those that come after. And this is a rather feable attempt. I am not minimizing their capture, just not sure they were caught in the net, (Three of them were here illegally) designed to catch what I will call the professional terrorist. But as long as there are some that think being in this country illegally is some kind of right, we can expect more of this. Thank god these idiots were more like zealots than trained terrorists with any sort of skill.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Many might have thought the 911 hijackers were ignorant too had they been apprehended before hijaking planes using boxcutters for weapons.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Six paintball dudes taking on the US Army. Puleez! :rolleyes:

And that poor expelled third grader that brought a GI Joe for Show and Tell with a tiny plastic gun that would be lost on a quarter was a threat to society. Riiiiight! :rolleyes:

There are going to be a whole lotta red faces looking for rocks to crawl under in the coming weeks. A bunch are probably going to have to find jobs flipping burgers, cuz ain't nobody with sense ever gonna take none of em seriously ever again. Sheesh! But I'll bet Fox will hire the lot of them. :rolleyes:

National Lampoon, you got some new material to consider. You just can't make this stuff up. :D

I'm betting JibJab is stopping the presses even as we speak. ;)

Even The Onion couldn't possibly dream up anything so utterly preposterous. But I'll guarantee you that O'Really and Rush Limp**** are going to make complete idiots of themselves over this for days ad nauseum. :rolleyes:

I think we should coin a new phrase over this. Buffoonery!


Jun 19, 2005
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

I don't think their plan was to attack with paint balls. 6 loose nuts with firearms and do allot of damage before they are stopped dead in their tracks. They were trying to purchase real "assault weapons". Not the semi - auto plinking guns congress wants to take away from us. 6 loonies with AK-47's and M-16's are very dangerous and can kill a bunch of unsuspecting people. It is a good thing this group got caught before they could act out their fantasies.


Moderator & Unofficial iBoats Historian
Staff member
May 19, 2001
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

How do we judge their actions........ we will never know the truth. Now that these people are "captive" it will be tough to judge if they ever intended to carry out the "plans".

I was impressed that all 6 were working and 3 were not even legally here.......

I tend to watch all these events and wonder......
Are they guilty or will they now admit the intent to do this since they have a spotlight? The FBI are the media master's and this will go the way it is presented to the public...... hmmmmm hero's in the FBI a few promotions and letter's in their official files for job's well done. What about the immigration people who fell down on the job ....... do you think they will get blamed....???

I would be more concerned that the 6 were involved in planning a prison break at Ft Dix since there are over 2000 Federal Prisoner's there.

The fact is we will never know the truth but we all feel good that a "cell" has been jailed.

We can only speculate what could have happened....... as Rickster stated "this group got caught before they could act out their fantasies." Agree!


May 17, 2001
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Six paintball dudes taking on the US Army. Puleez! :rolleyes:

And that poor expelled third grader that brought a GI Joe for Show and Tell with a tiny plastic gun that would be lost on a quarter was a threat to society. Riiiiight! :rolleyes:

There are going to be a whole lotta red faces looking for rocks to crawl under in the coming weeks. A bunch are probably going to have to find jobs flipping burgers, cuz ain't nobody with sense ever gonna take none of em seriously ever again. Sheesh! But I'll bet Fox will hire the lot of them. :rolleyes:

National Lampoon, you got some new material to consider. You just can't make this stuff up. :D

I'm betting JibJab is stopping the presses even as we speak. ;)

Even The Onion couldn't possibly dream up anything so utterly preposterous. But I'll guarantee you that O'Really and Rush Limp**** are going to make complete idiots of themselves over this for days ad nauseum. :rolleyes:

I think we should coin a new phrase over this. Buffoonery!

Just makes me wonder who's side you are on? Don't forget that a gunman at a school killed over 30 students with only handguns.

After 9/11, I think anything is possible when our enemy is wanting us dead,,,,,,,When your marked to be killed, no killer is going to listen to anything you have to say,,,,,,,,afterall,,your marked and going to be dead in their eyes.


Jul 4, 2004
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Drive down to Dover AFB you can hit the base houseing with a ROCK on BOTH sides of the ROAD

You get to you pick of barracks on the left and family houseing on right

Even before 9/11 it allways seemed like bad planing



Fleet Admiral
Oct 8, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

" The fact is we will never know the truth but we all feel good that a "cell" has been jailed."

" There are going to be a whole lotta red faces looking for rocks to crawl under in the coming weeks. A bunch are probably going to have to find jobs flipping burgers, cuz ain't nobody with sense ever gonna take none of em seriously ever again. Sheesh! But I'll bet Fox will hire the lot of them. "

Willy and Bob, you are both great guys, but you really diminish yourself when you make statements like those. I really hope you were just kidding.
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Rear Admiral
Apr 9, 2005
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Willy, you are either a complete fool or you don't know what you are talking about. They were arrested when they were trying to purchase automatic weapons (not semi-auto... full auto). Wake up and stop washing your feet at the KCI airport.


Nov 15, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Oh my god. 19 people using boxcutters killed 3000 people and WBW doesn't want to take 6 people trying to buy automatic weapons to shoot up an army base seriously.

Oh my god.



Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

Six paintball dudes taking on the US Army. Puleez! :rolleyes:

And that poor expelled third grader that brought a GI Joe for Show and Tell with a tiny plastic gun that would be lost on a quarter was a threat to society. Riiiiight! :rolleyes:

There are going to be a whole lotta red faces looking for rocks to crawl under in the coming weeks. A bunch are probably going to have to find jobs flipping burgers, cuz ain't nobody with sense ever gonna take none of em seriously ever again. Sheesh! But I'll bet Fox will hire the lot of them. :rolleyes:

National Lampoon, you got some new material to consider. You just can't make this stuff up. :D

I'm betting JibJab is stopping the presses even as we speak. ;)

Even The Onion couldn't possibly dream up anything so utterly preposterous. But I'll guarantee you that O'Really and Rush Limp**** are going to make complete idiots of themselves over this for days ad nauseum. :rolleyes:

I think we should coin a new phrase over this. Buffoonery!

Obviously you didn't spend anytime on an Army base Willy. The only armed soldiers are the ones at the gate. Troops don't keep weapons in the barracks. They are locked in an arms rooms. If these killers had gotton on post it would have been a horrible sight.


Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

It would seem to me that most all of you are totally willing to throw out our Bill of Rights based on what some law enforcement folk claim. Hopefullly you haven't forgotten that little thing about being Innocent until PROVEN Guilty, but with what I'm reading I think you have. I'll bet that many of you were also among those that were waiting in line to crucify the Duke boys based on what some rogue persecutor was throwing to the Media Feeding Frenzy not so long ago. Not Bo and Luke, but the Duke University lads that were wrongly accused of raping a wacked-out stripper.

Now we know that this Nifong joker is facing disbarment at the very least because of his false statements, and a new phrase has begun to make the rounds regarding people so hungry to believe the worst that they overlook simple common sense... it's a "Nifong Complex". I for one am NOT willing to throw out our Constitution based on Media Hype. Too bad so many of you are, especially those of you that are constantly whining about Mainstream Media Bias. You should be ashamed of yourselves! At least 60% of hastily assembled media "reporting" in cases like this turns out to be pure bullschidt. The more spectacular the case, the higher the percentage. Haven't you learned that yet? :(

Prosecution belongs in the Court. When the Media assumes the role of Chief Prosecutor, it's Persecution!


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

So attemping to buy Ak-47's from an FBI informant is not a big deal? I think it is a bit more reliable than a crack *****. My how you have got off topic Willy. But that is a typical lib. Faced with facts, try to change the subject. Nothing new there.


Lieutenant Commander
May 13, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

What a freakin Joke MRBScott......I guess if they would have gotten on base killed some of us.......You would still say innocent until proven guilty......Yes I do trust a LEO's word over these pukes......I bet you feel the other way.......And what does any of this have to to with the Duke case ? NOTHING........
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Fleet Admiral
Dec 29, 2003
Re: Terrorists strike close to my home.

It has EVERYTHING to do with the Duke case. It has EVERYTHING to do with our being sold a Bill of Goods to invade Iraq. You are so willing to believe what you are told that you refuse to THINK for Yourselves. And you call yourselves Americans. Shame On You! Maybe some of what we are being told is true. ALL of it IS NOT! Learn from your mistakes or relive them. I prefer to Learn. I've learned that we can't always trust what we are told. I've learned that we can't even always trust our own President. But you that chose to, do so at your own peril. People that do so are rightfully called Sheeple. Do I hear a Baaaah?