Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...


Supreme Mariner
Mar 5, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

You cannot tell me something is not rotten about the fact that the price of gas at the pump has risen a dollar a gallon in the past 3-4 months.....
There is clearly a market manipulation.......;)

So let me get this straight...the oil company CEOs from around the world go to some secret meeting place and say "Hey..all of us need to raise the price...and all of us have to do it at once...OK?

You really think this happens?

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Emotion, no......
The 'Status Quo' needs to change.....;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Ya mean like OPEC?
Nah, that would be illegal.....:)
They don't need a sit-down to manipulate the market anyway.....;)


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Maybe you should step back from your emotions and look at some facts for a little bit. The profits based on sales revenue for oil companies have changed little over the years. Check out this chart:

They are pretty much middle of the road as far as american businesses are concerned.

What people should really be concerned about is gasoline tax. The gasoline tax windfall for the government has gone up way more than oil company profits.

When you go to Starbucks and plop down $4 for a cup of coffee, why are'nt you complaining that Congress should be doing something about the excess profits? Isn't Starbucks monopolizing the coffee business?

How about your copy of Windows Vista that you just paid $150 for? You going to go to Congress and stop that too?

Where does it end?

Bruce i know your a very intelligent person and generous with helping people in regard's to your post in electronic's, it helped me quite a bit.

My bone here is not with you, but with the current business model that the oil company's are using and big government is allowing (both demo's and repub's)

That graph posted is so misleading it is almost pathic, and in one bold statement it is easily debunked " Oil giant Exxon posts record annual profit $39.5 billion for 2006 was biggest annual profit for a U.S company" Now if your in business how long do you thing they took to pencil whip that earning's statement....:D it must have been very intense. I know this they hired consultant's to spin or rationalize there huge profit's ( Now that's a first)

Now do oil company's need to go behind closed door's, No tax law's are written and creative accountant's along with good money manager's can manipulate the money flow in any manner they choose with no regard's to anything aside from ultimate profit......and true that is there job, but left unchecked the animal will eat itself if it is allowed to.

Umm, now maybe they have there own Opec, it's called the Wall street and if there ROI (return on investment) is not what some analsyt like's somone's head roll's

Now foreign country's you bet they need closed door's, your never going to get one country to agree to take a hit while another gain's, now add 5-6 competing, why that could be construed as insanity.......hence Opec

In the end the profit's they are taking is effecting the entire country, auto,farming airlines,trucking, plastic's the list is endless and we have no choice on comsumption (but i do with MS and there under every type of litagation around the world) All these ind must raise price's to compensate for the exaggerated pricing,and that lead's to inflation and the fed raise's rate's and the home market goe's to hell and we pay the burden and have no choice but to continue consuming

And there not a uncontrolled monoply??

Just a opinoin your milage may vary..


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

JasonJ you have the one and only solution for high gas prices. I wish I could do the same. I drive 75 miles a day, so not an option.

Wow, there is a lot of misinformation here.

If people took the time to do research you would realize that ExxonMobil used to be two seperate companies. If you divide that record profit in half, it would no longer be a record. In other words, the record profit is only a result of a merger, not from any devious backdoor meetings.

And if you did some more math, ExxonMobil also had record setting expenses.

In case you didnt pay attention in economics: revenue minus expenses equals profits.

Man some folks here are just shameful puppets for the idiot media. You love to blame evil companies for making a profit.

Can you please tell me how much profit is too much? Are you right now getting paid too much? Are you ripping off your employer?


Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

With all of the mergers, notably Hexxon/Mobster there just is not enough competition, & they can fix the price wherever they want & all of their buddies get in lock step.......:mad:
Bust the Amalgamated Trust now!.....;) :D


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

There’s a whole lot of rationalizing going on here, but here is a link to the bottom line[inflation is coming if fuel stays the same].

<< EVERYBODY'S DOING IT. Welcome to the surreal world of fuel-related surcharges. Over the last five years, most long-haul freight companies have begun adopting such fees to cushion the impact of volatile oil prices. "It's the ultimate hedge for us," notes Bill Zollars, CEO of Kansas-based trucking giant Yellow Roadway).


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

With all of the mergers, notably Hexxon/Mobster there just is not enough competition, & they can fix the price wherever they want & all of their buddies get in lock step.......:mad:
Bust the Amalgamated Trust now!.....;) :D

I ask you do some research and see how much Aramco and Venezuela produce and then tell me who is the monopoly. State owned oil companies dwarf Exxon, BP, Shell, Chevron.

I know this is a bit old, but it hasnt changed much:

Million barrels per year, 1998
Saudi Arabian Oil Co.* 3028
Petroleos Mexicanos* 1278
Petroleos de Venezuela* 1258
China National Petroleum* 1168
BP Amoco + Arco 963
ExxonMobil 894
Royal Dutch/Shell 859
Nigerian National Oil Co.* 772
Iraq National Oil Co.* 770
Kuwait Petroleum* 757
Chevron + Texaco 756

You can't seem to understand OIL and GAS is a WORLDWIDE commodity. :(



Nov 30, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

I ask you do some research and see how much Aramco and Petronas produce and then tell me who is the monopoly. State owned oil companies dwarf Exxon, BP, Shell, Chevron.

You can't seem to understand OIL and GAS is a WORLDWIDE commodity. :(


Spot on Ken. It is always hard to tell how Bro Haut truly feels, (and when he is just trolling for a heated response). His gal: Hillary wants to crush all American Oil companies so that we are all dependent on the real thugs around the world for our energy. That seems to be true of most Democrats and some weak kneed Republicans. Why is it rational to stop domestic oil companies from drilling in ANWAR? THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS: it is a irrational hatred by Liberals and Democrats of any American success in any field. Big Oil, (the biggest of which are not American Companies or even private companies as they are entities of foreign Countries as you state) is hated by the Left and the uninformed idiots who drink kool aid dispensed by the MSM in cooperation with the Democratic party and Islamic radicals. They want to confiscate oil company profits and deny them access to potential domestic oil. Think about how the Left and the Democrats want to treat big Pharma. Nationalize 'em so we can have a deflationary depresion that the MSM can blame on Republicans. Liberalism is a mental disorder. JR

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Don't get me started on the drug companies, Murky.....:D
The Amalgamated Oil Trust can only dream that it could reach the heights of the drug companies thievery......;)
Anwar belongs to the American people, not Exorbitant/Mobster.....:mad:


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

JasonJ you have the one and only solution for high gas prices. I wish I could do the same. I drive 75 miles a day, so not an option.

Wow, there is a lot of misinformation here.

If people took the time to do research you would realize that ExxonMobil used to be two seperate companies. If you divide that record profit in half, it would no longer be a record. In other words, the record profit is only a result of a merger, not from any devious backdoor meetings.

And if you did some more math, ExxonMobil also had record setting expenses.

In case you didnt pay attention in economics: revenue minus expenses equals profits.

Man some folks here are just shameful puppets for the idiot media. You love to blame evil companies for making a profit.

Can you please tell me how much profit is too much? Are you right now getting paid too much? Are you ripping off your employer?


And if you did some more math, ExxonMobil also had record setting expenses.

In case you didnt pay attention in economics: revenue minus expenses equals profits.

:D That's called pencil whipping (Expences) now if that's confusing, all of the small business owner's reading here know about expensening out a job... And the oil company's have some of the brightest mind's in the accounting world along with a legal staff that would humble almost any private firm.... some of those expense's...... I wonder how much they paid the outside consulting firm's to spin there record profit's ( and they did go out of the company to do as much)

And perhap's your right, but when exxon post's a profit, is that not after expense's ya know that thing called net...... after all those expense's????

I am not against profit trust me there, but i do know left unchecked, it will not bode well for this econ


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

I guess I have been posting in the wrong oil company frenzy thread . . . Jeez.

Unflippin' believable . . . KIZ reminds some that a profit number is not a profit percent number, but nada. KIZ reminds some that a huge majority of oil production is not the big bad oil companies, but nada. Common sense, history and economics 101 all say that supply and demand does impact oil prices and that the Blo Haut anti-Trust concern is ludicrous. BTW, my company had record profits last year too . . . we didn't lose as much :rolleyes:

Oh, oh, any of us could reduce our consumption by the 10 - 25% (maybe more) that rolmops questions by buying a diesel tomorrow. This topic makes me want to scream . . . ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Wait, wait, another stupid point to make: federal tax revenues do not go up with oil prices, they are fixed per gallon . . . ;)

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Common sense, history and economics 101 all say that supply and demand does impact oil prices and that the Blo Haut anti-Trust concern is ludicrous.

Of course it does, so does supply manipulation......(_?_)......:)
You make a good point for the Fed getting involved.....
An increase in usage would fatten the coffers.....
Lower gas prices would increase usuage......;)


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

You make a good point for the Fed getting involved.....
An increase in usage would fatten the coffers.....

Lower gas prices would increase usuage......;)
The only way they can do that is by lowering taxes. You'll have to change political affiliation and get a brain transplant to recommend that . . . :eek: :D


Jun 19, 2002
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Can you cut your consumption by 25% or even 10%?

Of course I could, But WE need to both do it!....funny that you had to ask the question....telling....


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Lower comsuption only mean's higher return on investment, oil shortage......:D remeber the 70's, umm where is the even odd day's.. ;)

France is going to be very intresting, there socialist party is gone, and there new guy is telling them to go to work, ya think he's going to tighten down the social welfare.....;) I' willing to bet your going see lower gas price's (less tax) and a higher econmoic output. (Umm disposable income..)

Ok this is getting way to speculative, lower fuel prices, driving a economy..:eek: Ummm since this new push to drive up the bar for a gallon of gas has been going on this country's growth rate is now 1% and i like to know which ind is experiencing growth and not Mcdonald's.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

Ummm since this new push to drive up the bar for a gallon of gas has been going on this country's growth rate is now 1% and i like to know which ind is experiencing growth and not Mcdonald's.
Uhhh, you may want to start with the Dow . . . ;)


Rear Admiral
Jul 13, 2002
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

I have finally caught on and realize Haut is just pulling my leg. No other explanation makes sense.

Do you have any idea how much oil is in the ground that it is uneconomical to produces with oil at 60 dollars a barrel? The days of shooting a gun at a rabbit and oil springs up are gone. Even the mid east is starting to stuggle to maintain production. All the easy oil is gone. Now the deepwater oil is being produced. Any idea how much it costs to drill a well in deepwater. The rig alone costs 500-750K PER DAY. It takes 30-45 days to just to drill the well. Some total wells costs are in the multiple millions PER WELL. Some platforms have 20-50 wells. Then you have to produce it. It doesnt magically find its ways to the refinery. Floating platforms arent cheap to build and maintain. Then a hurricane comes and sinks it. Start over.

I give up, you win, go lock yourself up into your conspiracy. Vote for Hillary, she will save us all.



Nov 30, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

I have finally caught on and realize Haut is just pulling my leg. No other explanation makes sense.

Do you have any idea how much oil is in the ground that it is uneconomical to produces with oil at 60 dollars a barrel? The days of shooting a gun at a rabbit and oil springs up are gone. Even the mid east is starting to stuggle to maintain production. All the easy oil is gone. Now the deepwater oil is being produced. Any idea how much it costs to drill a well in deepwater. The rig alone costs 500-750K PER DAY. It takes 30-45 days to just to drill the well. Some total wells costs are in the multiple millions PER WELL. Some platforms have 20-50 wells. Then you have to produce it. It doesnt magically find its ways to the refinery. Floating platforms arent cheap to build and maintain. Then a hurricane comes and sinks it. Start over.

I give up, you win, go lock yourself up into your conspiracy. Vote for Hillary, she will save us all.


Now Ken, Don't give up: your insights may and probably do help other readers understand the world in which we live. Bro Haut used to be able to nail me repeatadly until I caught on to his tricks, (I only have one brain cell so it took me a while to catch up with him). I doubt he would vote for Hillary, (could be wrong as he is very tricky). Just remember: he could teach Bill Clinton some tricks on usin' semantics for word games. Respectfully JR :D :D


Jan 13, 2006
Re: Finally had enough with gas prices, and my butt is sore...

I have finally caught on and realize Haut is just pulling my leg. No other explanation makes sense.

Do you have any idea how much oil is in the ground that it is uneconomical to produces with oil at 60 dollars a barrel? The days of shooting a gun at a rabbit and oil springs up are gone. Even the mid east is starting to stuggle to maintain production. All the easy oil is gone. Now the deepwater oil is being produced. Any idea how much it costs to drill a well in deepwater. The rig alone costs 500-750K PER DAY. It takes 30-45 days to just to drill the well. Some total wells costs are in the multiple millions PER WELL. Some platforms have 20-50 wells. Then you have to produce it. It doesnt magically find its ways to the refinery. Floating platforms arent cheap to build and maintain. Then a hurricane comes and sinks it. Start over.

I give up, you win, go lock yourself up into your conspiracy. Vote for Hillary, she will save us all.


You are only futhering my point, indeed these cost's are enourmous, but two thing's The oil company can afford them and allow's them. Now back on topic

Oil giant Exxon posts record annual profit $39.5 billion for 2006 was biggest annual profit for ... Can we be clear here THAT IS NOT GROSS REVENUE THAT IS PROFIT..... damm im gtting to old to yell that much..:D

Or are you under the understanding that were talking about gross revenue's or do i have it wrong????

Well i'll be schizzled it is profit umm commonly know as net??

In 2006, Wal-Mart recaptured the lead with revenues of $348.7 billion against ExxonMobil's $335.1. ExxonMobil continues to lead the world in both profits ($39.5 billion in 2006), and market value ($410.7 billion).