Mixed-race family


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Mixed-race family

Boomyal said:
IMHO, if they did not have some ulterior motive they would have done it quietly. It is possible, even in Hollywierd!

That kind of if-then logic rarely if ever works. If they had tried to keep it secret we might now be theorizing on why they are ashamed of their family.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Mixed-race family

This is just another one of those "car wreck" threads for me. I know that contradicting opinions to mine are going to get me riled up and yet I still want to post........................its a disease I tell ya.

This is one of those beliefs that I refuse to bend. Perhaps that is the result of being younger than everyone here. Saying that Miscegenation is a crime is racist. I don't tolerate that. My girlfriend of 2 years who I love a lot is half black, so this topic hits very close to home. I see how she has been and can be treated on occasion because of that and it makes me absolutely ill. No one deserves to go through that. To compound that and continue that mentality is just wrong.

I don't expect people to agree with me. Especially here, being that my opinion rarely means anything because of my age. Like QC I consider many here friends.....have even met a couple in person for drinks and fishing......


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Mixed-race family

relax Pony...Miscegenation means mixing of species. All human beings are the same species. It's illegal in most states for a human to mate with other animals.


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Mixed-race family

Being younger has nothing to do with the value of you feelings, Pony, or my respect for those feelings.

Only those with personal experience dealing with prejudices based on the tone of one's skin are qualified to judge, in my never humble opinion, anyway.


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Mixed-race family


I get it now :$ Sorry. Took me rereading a few times as I was essentially never getting to the miscegeny line and resulting message.
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Mixed-race family

JB said:
Being younger has nothing to do with the value of you feelings, Pony, or my respect for those feelings.

Only those with personal experience dealing with prejudices based on the tone of one's skin are qualified to judge, in my never humble opinion, anyway.
Well, the never humble part I understand. The rest of it I am going need some time with. ;)


Apr 10, 2005
Re: Mixed-race family

QC aka Kevin, “well said”, I also do a lot of traveling but most of mine is west of the Mississippi, as apposed to your worldly travels, and I most likely meet some of the rougher crowds. Mine are on freight docks, warehouses, and container yards. Most of them have their prejudices, and believe me I have seen my share of just about every prejudice you could imagine, and not a few fights for sticking to my principles. I got a crooked nose, the two scars over each eye that I see every time I shave in the morning for sticking to my principles, don’t plan on changing anytime soon. As for the "Pitts", there are quiet a few of them in Springfield Mo Area. Met one of the cousins of Brad, he says say that around home he is just Brad, not all stuck on himself. Unfortunately the whole family seems have a tradition of being Republicans from way back, well guess there has to be some flaws there somewhere.:%


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Mixed-race family

I figured that would get some sort of snide comment from you, techno. That's why I put it there.

puddle jumper

Jul 5, 2006
Re: Mixed-race family

JB said:
Being younger has nothing to do with the value of you feelings, Pony, or my respect for those feelings.

Only those with personal experience dealing with prejudices based on the tone of one's skin are qualified to judge, in my never humble opinion, anyway.

very true you dont know some one ontill you have walked in his or her shoes


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: Mixed-race family

Absolutely nowhere have I found Miscegenation to mean anything else than

1. The interbreeding of different races or of persons of different racial backgrounds.
2. Cohabitation, sexual relations, or marriage involving persons of different races.
3. A mixture or hybridization:

From the encyclopedia of American History:
Miscegenation is the intermarriage of people of different races. In the United States the term is primarily used to describe the marriage between a black person and a white person. Miscegenation is an American word, and it is difficult to translate into other languages. It is derived from the Latin "miscere" (to mingle) and "genus" (kind or category). Miscegenation plays a larger role in American history than perhaps in any other nation's history. The states, plagued by racial division between blacks and whites, codified the racial divide by prohibiting mingling of the races in marriage with antimiscegenation laws during colonial times. Prohibition of interracial marriage did not exist under the common law or by statute in England when the American colonies were established. Antimiscegenation laws were first drafted in colonial America.

If RMMPE meant mixing of SPECIES than I am sorry for the misunderstanding on my part. Its just everything I have found points to that word meaning mixing of races......not species. "genus" can mean a lot of things. "Kind" and "species" are both accurate.........so I'm not sure we can just look at that word and assume the "species" meaning just because it makes it feel more acceptable. Like I said if he meant species than I am srry for the misunderstanding..............and if thats the case I would suggest the use of a word that isnt by definition racist.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2006
Re: Mixed-race family

When I wrote Miscegeny, I was referring to a mixing of the races.......not of species. A belief I am not hesitant to express.

Yes, I am prejudice. But, it is not something I was born with, or educated to by my parents. They never expressed that type of belief.

My prejuduce came long after I left the military, so it wasn't something I was afflicted with there.

In truth, living in Detroit was where I became prejudice. From personal experience, it is a learned trait. I make no apologies or excuses for it. It is earned from many unpleasant experiences.

So, now that I've explained all that, let me add another comment:
I do not look upon those with different opinions as lesser than I. And, with all my foibles, I don't consider myself a bad person. Perhaps a bit tainted by a long life of experience and world travel, but not lesser or greater than any here.

Your recent explanations explaining the earlier hostile remarks posted have mitigated my initial reaction to them. Good for you.

Regardless of belief system, those standing for strong feelings are to be applauded. That's character sorely lacking in many of today's people.

Fortunately, this is an open forum. A place where people can express themselves with a great deal of anonymity and the "freedom" it brings.
Unfortunately, there are those that use the anonymity as a shield to be offensive and combative without exposing themselves to the dangers of retribution.

Me? If I didn't enjoy the differing opinions I wouldn't participate. Nor would I have completed a profile.

This has been long enough to bore many. So, I will drop the baton and get back in step. Not in lock-step, mind you.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Sep 6, 2006
Re: Mixed-race family

To my last post:
Please forgive the errors in it. My big fingers don't always work well on this small keyboard.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Mixed-race family

I, like you consider everyone here a friend, I would love to have each and everyone here at my home for a visit, well........let me think.........yep even that one........
with that said, most of my reply posts are meant to be kind of a joke, just to break some ice......but some are not taken as such, I guess because there is no emotion in type..
or because of the way us folk talk here where I am from, we are hard to understand to a lot of people because we have our own language. i.e. If I say "boy that's pretty" that means it is very ugly.......buy the book, The Eastern shore MD dictionary, you will know what I am talking about..
But let me try to type this in normal English........
I am with you here.......
I am not prejudice to color, but very prejudice of the actions displayed by some........
those actions seam to be more prevalent in some, I think that is where prejudice comes from........
I usually turn this computer off and go about my business
but the long post above, about your outlook worked in my mind all day, even had dreams about it........:)
I wish I could think as you do, and convey such emotion.
you should wright a book........."Through QC's Eyes"
I'll buy it...................Merry Christmas
Jun 1, 2005
Re: Mixed-race family

Great Scot, no offense stand, Wendy I can fly. Only one thing separates me and extraham, the English language. ;) Who were you in a previous life? :cool:


Honorary Moderator Emeritus
Mar 25, 2001
Re: Mixed-race family

The word was "invented" in colonial America to prevent interracial breeding, which was very common among slave holders (including Thomas Jefferson).

It was based on the mistaken notion that black people and non-black people were different species, thus the use of genus to construct it.

I doubt that you can get more racist than that.

The truth is that a huge percentage of so-called African Americans have both African and European ancestors and a portion of those have Asian and Native American ancestors as well.

When I was in Hawaii in October I learned of a new local tradition there. Those who used to be called
Japanese Americans are now referred to as AJA, "Americans of Japanese Ancestry". . . Americans first. I like that.

Perhaps we need a new designator: AIA, Americans of Intercontinental Ancestry.


Mar 7, 2002
Re: Mixed-race family

skinnywater: your Dad is still your Dad even if your Mom isn't married to him anymore. and you'd be surprised how much time the hollyweirds spend with their kids nowadays. Too bad they have no chance for a normal childhood, which would include, lets see...half a cup of rice per day, live in a tent with 43 other people, no plumbing, no sanitation...
Well i suppose jtex, however "Dads" in this case can also be nothing more than a sperm donor or nothing more than a bank account.
And the chances of mom and dad who have acting careers being available to their children is greatly deminished. The rationale of their consideration in view of that fact makes it highly suspect.

I agree that the childs worst day in Hollywood maybe better than their best day in Mozambique. However, picture that this is nothing more than fast-tracking immigration and adoption laws for the elite class.
It has yet to be proven that the ability to buy their adopted child a SL550 AMG on their 16th birthday makes them good parents. In my view that kind of upbringing is harmful to society.

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Mixed-race family

rmmpe pretty much sums up what I believe.....
But I will say I don't think that any race or mix thereof is either superior or inferior to any other....
& I certainly don't harbor any hatred for anyone who has a different skin color than me......
We are all human beings.....
I can't explain it any better than that....
If that makes me a racist, then so be it, & my apologies to anyone that I have offended.......JK


Fleet Admiral
Oct 13, 2003
Re: Mixed-race family

Skinnywater said:
skinnywater: your Dad is still your Dad even if your Mom isn't married to him anymore. and you'd be surprised how much time the hollyweirds spend with their kids nowadays. Too bad they have no chance for a normal childhood, which would include, lets see...half a cup of rice per day, live in a tent with 43 other people, no plumbing, no sanitation...
Well i suppose jtex, however "Dads" in this case can also be nothing more than a sperm donor or nothing more than a bank account.
And the chances of mom and dad who have acting careers being available to their children is greatly deminished. The rationale of their consideration in view of that fact makes it highly suspect.

I agree that the childs worst day in Hollywood maybe better than their best day in Mozambique. However, picture that this is nothing more than fast-tracking immigration and adoption laws for the elite class.
It has yet to be proven that the ability to buy their adopted child a SL550 AMG on their 16th birthday makes them good parents. In my view that kind of upbringing is harmful to society.

"...in this case can also be nothing more than a sperm donor or nothing more than a bank account." kind of harsh, considering all the photographic evidence to the contrary. Don't get me wrong, I have no reason to dispute or confirm your assertion...I'm just not rushing to judgement.

"It has yet to be proven that the ability to buy their adopted child a SL550 AMG on their 16th birthday makes them good parents." Just ask any 16-year-old! ;)

"In my view that kind of upbringing is harmful to society." What society is harmed, and what kind of harm?


Supreme Mariner
Mar 22, 2005
Re: Mixed-race family

Haut and rmmpe,

OK let's make this a more logical discussion than an emotional one. You both believe that interracial breeding is bad or wrong. At least one of you posted that it should be illegal. How do you propose to police it? What race definitions would you choose? Are you going to have a spreadsheet that details who is allowed to mate with whom? Eye color? Hair color? DNA tests prior to issuing marriage licenses? What programs will you have for the non-approved children? Special homes? "Official" status, for those who are allowed to mate with other official status people? Seriously, how would I know when I went to seduce a woman, whether or not I was plotting something that was illegal?

None of those questions are rhetorical, although they may seem absurd. If you were granted an opportunity to make your beliefs reality, how would you do it? I am honestly curious. I will keep my replies civil.


Although there is a definite boost to my 5'7" frame that anonymity gives me, I am pretty much the same guy you read here. I do not debate much of this stuff on a daily basis, because I actually don't have many friends that care to discuss these things this deeply, although we do once in a while. This is one of the things I get out of Dockside Chat. The principles I note, I hold, and would openly discuss face to face with anyone outside of the business relationships I have also noted. The hostility that you perceived would also be obvious, I am very transparent. I am definitely considered outspoken by my friends and family, but I can proudly say that I have not had a physical confrontation with anyone since I was 12.

Thanks for the compliments Tom (xtraham).

Haut Medoc

Supreme Mariner
Jun 29, 2004
Re: Mixed-race family

I would not impose my beliefs on anyone with regard to the aforementioned.....
Or try to regulate it, even if it were possible.....
I can only control what I do, & that is enough for me.....
I would encourage my son to stay 'Caucasian"....:)