For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

The word “probable” means that it isn't fact, so much for that study.

Good for bill on the debt. He didn't have the cost of 9-11and the aftermath of it.
Under President Bush, tax revenue is at an all time high (those darn tax cuts ya know), stock market at all time high, unemployment almost non-exisitant.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 3, 2004
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

I'm thoroughly surprised by the tone of this thread. I suspect that most boaters are fishermen and outdoors people. I think they, of all people, would be concerned about our environment and what is happening to it!


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

artburr said:
I'm thoroughly surprised by the tone of this thread. I suspect that most boaters are fishermen and outdoors people. I think they, of all people, would be concerned about our environment and what is happening to it!

Very good point and most, if not all of us do care about it.

The problem comes from people making up "facts" to further their agenda. Some of us think that just because it's gore saying it, doesn't mean it's true while other do beleive it.
We "debate" here and that is a great thing and a freedom that we have and we use it.


Supreme Mariner
Aug 16, 2003
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

artburr said:
I'm thoroughly surprised by the tone of this thread. I suspect that most boaters are fishermen and outdoors people. I think they, of all people, would be concerned about our environment and what is happening to it!

artburr, does your statement mean that if one does not drink the Liberal Kool-aid regarding the cause of Global Warming that we do not care about the environment? If so, your statement is a prime example of the effects of the Liberal Whacko Environmental movement that seeks to dethrone the power and influence of this Western Society.

No one here, including the most rabid conservative, wants to see his habitat fouled. What the prudent among us want is that this issue is not used (as it is now) for political gain and that our reasonable livelyhood and existance is not obliterated by some whacko's quest for power and influence.


Petty Officer 1st Class
Nov 3, 2004
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Here is some red meat for you rednecks! If Gore had been elected President (as he really was), the world wouldn't be in the mess it is today!


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

I know this whole concern over the environment is a joke or Kyoto would have had one standard for all countries. It would have to under their so called line of thinking. WE ONLY HAVE TIL THE END OF THE DECADE OR THE EARTH WILL BE SO HOT AS TO NOT SUPPORT LIFE. If they are so convinced of their predictions, where the pollution comes from would be of no matter. I guess if you subscribe to the society of Gore you can have your right to "pollute" reinstated. But never one of those filthy capitalists. Even their answer to a non-proven hypothesis is flawed. Can someone name an equal trade agreement the US is engaged in?

Looks like Art failed 6th grade civics as well. Don't worry Art just look at ALGORE'S college record, that ought to make anyone feel good about their acedemic record. 8)


Apr 10, 2005
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Quote EricKims

The word “probable” means that it isn't fact, so much for that study.

prob·a·ble (prŏb'ə-bəl)
1. Likely to happen or to be true: War seemed probable in 1938. The home team, far ahead, is the probable winner.
2. Likely but uncertain; plausible.
3. Theology. Of or relating to opinions and actions in ethics and morals for whose lawfulness intrinsic reasons or extrinsic authority may be adduced.

Glad you starting to see the light Eric….

Quote Artburr

I'm thoroughly surprised by the tone of this thread. I suspect that most boaters are fishermen and outdoors people. I think they, of all people, would be concerned about our environment and what is happening to it!

Art some of these people would water ski through a oil slick if they thought it would further there political agenda.


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

#2 hits the nail on the head tree, see we can agree! 8) You are also seeing the light my friend


Apr 10, 2005
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Quote EricKims

What the prudent among us want is that this issue is not used (as it is now) for political gain and that our reasonable livelyhood and existance is not obliterated by some whacko's quest for power and influence.

Eric stated it like it should be, like most of us would rather, then you have this as follows.


artburr, does your statement mean that if one does not drink the Liberal Kool-aid regarding the cause of Global Warming that we do not care about the environment? If so, your statement is a prime example of the effects of the Liberal Whacko Environmental movement that seeks to dethrone the power and influence of this Western Society.

See that is the difference between having a civil discussion and rhetoric. Notice the guns flaming?


Rear Admiral
Apr 2, 2006
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Not my quote tree


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Now rip the messenger.

Aaron Wildavsky quote:

Warming (and warming alone), through its primary antidote of withdrawing carbon from production and consumption, is capable of realizing the environmentalist's dream of an egalitarian society based on rejection of economic growth in favor of a smaller population's eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less, and sharing a much lower level of resources much more equally."


"global warming is the mother of all environmental scares."


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Just to quote Treedancers pied piper:

It could be that he surrounds himself with the type of people that have the most knowledge about the Climate and the environment, such as, Dr. James Hansen; he is a physicist who joined NASA in 1967. Since the 1970s he has worked on computer simulations of the Earth’s climate in an effort to understand humanity’s impact upon it.

Well let's explore Hansen's track record as he is absolutely brilliant and his predictions are without question.

In 1988, James Hansen, a climatologist, told the US Congress that temperature would rise 0.3°C by the end of the century (it rose 0.1°C), and that sea level would rise several feet (no, one inch).


I would recommend a good long read on this link for any liberal thinking about drinking the kool-aid. And why would ALGORE alleign himself with a scientist he knows has a history of incorrect conclusions and seems prone to exaggeration? It just baffles the imagination.

Hey here are some scientists who performed scientific studies, using science (and government funds), and have provided a scientific conclusion but feel free to call them into question as you can imagine they don't support your position.


This should be an easy one. Why are China and India immune from the Koyoto protocol?


Environmental whacko's and the bear facts. (This is one of my favorites)


More "SCIENTISTS" having a hard time holding their lunch.\Nation\archive\200205\NAT20020514b.html


This is all tongue in cheek but this information is readily available. The point is right that there is a finite amount of natural resources, but turning our sovereignty over to the UN is NUTS, and ALGORE is just serving up the alarmists soup d' jour.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Don't worry..........once the global warming melts enough ice cap to dilute the salinity of the North Atlantic, the hydrothermal flow will be stopped. Then warm air and seas from the equator will not make it as far North, and we can start Global Cooling. (again)



Jan 13, 2006
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Pony said:
Don't worry..........once the global warming melts enough ice cap to dilute the salinity of the North Atlantic, the hydrothermal flow will be stopped. Then warm air and seas from the equator will not make it as far North, and we can start Global Cooling. (again)

Well i'll be dammed, nice post Pony,It seems you have articulated in a very proffesional manner.

WIth that said Pony, will you post the fact's that you have leading you to such a conclusion?

Im not being a smart a@@ yet i am. its discouraging to see such a good mind distorting fact's to come to a polictical conclusion

Pony even today's most sophiscated super computer's cannot come to such conclusion's, programmed by some of the world's best minds.

However i urge you to keep following your belief's or hunch's................ keep feeling's out of the way try it with just fact's....... it will be fascinating.....:love:

Ohh and to Al Gore....... did he invent the internet or did he not................... i cannot get over such a irrersponsible statement.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

From National Geographic News

Researchers at the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, England, found that the flow of warm ocean currents toward northwest Europe has declined by 30 percent since the 1950s

For one thing, there appears to be a 50 percent reduction in the amount of cold, deep water flowing from the North Atlantic to the tropics, the team says.

Also, the researchers found a 50 percent increase in currents circulating within subtropical seas without reaching higher latitudes. More warm waters, that is, are staying put in the tropics.

Another article supporting this hydrothermal flow theory's plauibility

Another article

Still feeling there is no reseach available for this theory? Google "Mini Ice Age" and you will get a number of sites. Do I belive this will actually happen......not necessarily. That being said this theory has been gaining a lot of support and evidence over the years. The Mini Ice Age did happen, though no one really knows why, there are some out there who believe it was a result of the Medievil warming period that came before it.

So you see it isnt necesarily my belief, and it certainly isnt a "hunch" I didnt just make it up. 8)


Apr 21, 2004
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

POINTER94 said:
Quote PW2,
"FTR, I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee and the company I work for pays the gas. Your point? "

PW, I think this points out exactly what all of us have been saying. I guess it is OK to pollute if a rich company pays for your gas? They are going to take away your secret decoder ring for this little Faux Paus.

Well, let's see. I used my Jeep over the last few years to supervise the planting of hundreds of thousands of tree seedlings, just a few of which in their life span will turn through photosynthesis the amount of CO2 my Jeep produces into O2 that you may well breathe.

No thanks is necessary. I get paid to do it. And I sure as heck sleep well at night, nor do I see any hypocrisy at all in this, nor in Al Gore flying in a jet. There is no move to do a complete u-turn in lifestyle choices, but only a slight alteration in course.

I do see hypocrisy and not a little irony in the notion that you seem to condemn the politization of environmental issues, and for your evidence cite "studies" funded primarily by the oil industry.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

Kiil the messenger, right on cue. Why don't you try challenging the content with something besides inuendo. And please provide us with which studies are funded by oil companies.


Aug 16, 2002
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

PW2 said:
POINTER94 said:
Quote PW2,
"FTR, I drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee and the company I work for pays the gas. Your point? "

PW, I think this points out exactly what all of us have been saying. I guess it is OK to pollute if a rich company pays for your gas? They are going to take away your secret decoder ring for this little Faux Paus.

Well, let's see. I used my Jeep over the last few years to supervise the planting of hundreds of thousands of tree seedlings, just a few of which in their life span will turn through photosynthesis the amount of CO2 my Jeep produces into O2 that you may well breathe.

No thanks is necessary. I get paid to do it. And I sure as heck sleep well at night, nor do I see any hypocrisy at all in this, nor in Al Gore flying in a jet. There is no move to do a complete u-turn in lifestyle choices, but only a slight alteration in course.

I do see hypocrisy and not a little irony in the notion that you seem to condemn the politization of environmental issues, and for your evidence cite "studies" funded primarily by the oil industry.

And I suppose next you'll tell us that the planting of those hundreds of thousands of trees were planted specifically to offset the effects of greenhouse emissions and not to simply be cut down and used as lumber as was the millions of acres of forest were that preceded the need to plant them to begin with.


Vice Admiral
Oct 12, 2003
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

I have to laugh, that statement is just about the same as me saying that because I had a steak last night I am doing my part to save the environment from overgrazing. Making a statement like this may cause me to break my arm patting myself on the back.


Rear Admiral
Jun 27, 2004
Re: For those who think global warming is an ALGORE joke...

POINTER94 said:
I have to laugh, that statement is just about the same as me saying that because I had a steak last night I am doing my part to save the environment from overgrazing. Making a statement like this may cause me to break my arm patting myself on the back.

We use that same argument for hunting8)............but truthfully.